Chapter 9: First spot

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I clicked on the flashlight and shined it around, Eijiro wasn't there, In fact, there was nothing but spray paint. I closed the door, I went through to other rooms on the first floor, nothing. "God damnit, I'm becoming impatient." I mumbled closing the first door on the second floor, As I closed the door I heard movement behind me, I quickly looked around and saw a group of teen's. "Great just what I needed." I mumble to myself before the leader, or what I assume to be the leader, speaks "Are you Katsuki Bakugo?" I rolled my eye's "Duh." I said in an impatient voice, "Are you doing a video-" "Are we going to be in the video?" I showed off my empty hands, "No." Some of them sighed sadly, "Why are you here?" I asked confused, They pointed at a camera one of them was holding, "What are you doing here if you're not filming a video?" One of them asked, I shifted uncomfortably, "None of your damn business." I said about to walk off, "Can we put you in our video?" I thought for a second, "Sure whatever." I walked down the stairs, if people visit this often it wouldn't be a very good place to hide a missing person. I got in my car and checked my phone, a notification popped up, It's a missing person alert, "Well fucking finally they put it up." I say clicking on it and reading it aloud "Eijiro Kirishima, Suspected of being Kidnap, Last seen with Ketestern Koi - Wait, SUSPECTED? He WAS kidnaped!" I lighty threw my phone on to the passenger seat, It feels weird for it to be empty. "Oh shit, I'm running low on gas." I say looking at my gas level, I drive into a gas station, While the gas was pumping I looked at the map, "Why would they put it on here if they know it's popular?" I mumbled as I crossed it out. one down eleven to go. 

-Kirishima pov-

As I finished my thought the man who caused my pain walked in, I don't even know why I called him by his first name, maybe I just forgot... I forgot his last name... Ke? No... Kio? No but it sounds similar... KOI! That's it! My thoughts stopped again as He sat on my lap, "Get off me koi!" He frowned, "Were not on first name bases anymore?" He asked in a mocking sad tone, I rolled my eyes "To be honest, I just forgot your name." His frown deepened, "Now. Get. off. Me." I said mad, He shrugged and got up, "I guess I have to go murder a certain someone." I froze, "Wait, No." He turned back "Let me do what I want or he's going to get it." I started crying, "No..." "What was that Kiri?" I had to think about this, Would Katsuki be able to handle an attack from Koi? "Fine... but-" Before I could say anything else he was back on my lap and trying to kiss me... Katsuki, I miss you.  

You can comment anything you see is wrong (like if I spell something wrong)

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