Farewell Mystic Falls

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I was born in Mystic Falls a thousand years ago, with the rest of my family. I came back here to find the doppelganger to complete my curse. The one that kept the wolf side of me hidden. 

  I did undo the curse, but I also made an enemy of the Salvatore brothers. Elena Gilbert, the doppelganger, was Damon Salvatore's soulmate. Of course me wanting to use her for the sacrifice pissed the both of them off. 

  They of course found a way to save her. Apparently her father John Gilbert saved her by giving her his life. Meaning she was still human.

  I found out her blood was the key to making hybrids. That being said I turned her best friend Stefan Salvatore into a ripper. Making him completely loyal to me. 

  That night at the high school I used her blood to turn Tyler Lockwood into a hybrid. It worked. After she was saved by Damon, I kidnapped her and tried to take her blood. I was successful. I was getting ready to kill her since I found another doppelganger, who was easier to access. 

  Of course Tyler proved that he was unsired to me and freed her just in time. Damon gave her vampire blood, but she didn't make it and became a vampire. 

 In the process of this Elijah and Rebekah forgave me for all the wrong I did. Elijah met his soulmate Hayley Marshall, a human. Who now is a vampire. 

  The remainder of my visit to Mystic Falls was more violent. To get back at Tyler Lockwood, I killed his mother, Carol Lockwood. I also killed Elena's bio mother, Isobel just for the hell of it. Just to add to the vile things I did I killed twelve hybrids. 

  I was known as the bastard son. An unredeemable monster. A dick. 

  There are things I enjoy in this life, besides murder, and causing chaos. Painting. It has always been a passion of mine. Since I was a young boy. 

  I was planning on leaving Mystic Falls, there was nothing here for me anymore. Anyway Elijah preferred bigger cities. And Rebekah hasn't found anybody suitable. 

  I knew where to go. New Orleans. I was drawn to go there for some reason. I do love the city, but for some reason I had to be there, now. 

  Elijah, Hayley, and Rebekah agreed to go with me. So we'd be together. Always and forever. 

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