Death wishes

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(Camille's pov)

"I would like you to stay here for awhile, at least until the problem we have is gone." Klaus blurted out of nowhere. What? I just met the guy two months ago. I don't think I should be living with him even if it's for a little while.

Just knowing him didn't change the fact that I wanted to say yes. Have I gone crazy? I mean I spend time with Klaus and Rebeckah who are both crazy murders, yet I feel safe. I weirdly always felt safe with Klaus, even when I first met him. Which I have to admit is really weird.

Maybe I have something mentally wrong with me? I mean that is possible.

Maybe I was right, maybe Klaus Mikaelson is in love with me? No. That wasn't possible. I mean the signs were there. He's overprotective, but that may just be a hybrid thing. He's always near by like he was drawn to me, but I was also drawn to him. Then it hit me.

When Klaus let me into his head I saw something very interesting. Soulmates. He showed me Elijah falling in love with Hayley and all their struggles. Was it possible I was his soulmate? I mean the signs were there. No, there was no way that is true.

Maybe it was true. Am I forced to love Klaus Mikaelson?  Was he going to turn me into a vampire even though I would never want that. Just so we could be together "forever". Or maybe soulmates truly love each other. I mean look at Elijah and Hayley, but that could easily be Stockholm syndrome.

Do I just up and ask? If I asked Klaus he may lie about it so I was more comfortable. I barely knew Elijah, and it would just be awkward. Rebeckah! I knew I could trust her. She would tell me the truth or maybe she would side with her brother. So scratch that. Marcel.

I knew Marcel less than I knew Elijah, but I knew things about Marcel. He was honest. So he would tell me what I needed to hear.

"I don't know if that's a really good idea." I replied to Klaus. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "You know you'd be safer here, yet." He did have a point. Going out into New Orleans with Esther, Finn, and Kol on the loose wouldn't be the smartest idea.

So I would say here, it would help me learn more about the soulmate connection if that's what is happening.

"I see your point." I said, trying to laugh but it sounded like a weird muffled noise.

All of a sudden my chest started. My heart felt like it was burning. I started coughing and coughing. Till the point I was vomiting blood.

Klaus jumped from his and sped over to me. "Camille?" He asked. I just kept coughing. I don't know if he was expecting me to answer or was just saying my name.

Elijah, Hayley, Marcel,and Rebeckah ran into the room. "what's happening?" Asked Hayley.

"I don't know, we were just talking then this happened." Klaus answered, panicked.

"I'd say this was the damn witches!" Marcel shouted. "I'll go get Davina and see if she could help." He added as he sped off.

Who the hell was Davina?  At this point I didn't care. It hurts so much I just want to die.

Klaus started rubbing my back, it was soothing but didn't help the pain. Rebeckah got a bucket, Elijah I think was on the phone with somebody,I had no clue what Hayley was doing.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. Whoever was doing this wanted to kill me from the inside. "Just kill me!" I yelled. The entire room was silent.

The first person to speak was Klaus. "Camille you're not thinking straight, you'll be fine."

Well I didn't feel fine! The pain was unbearable. I was going to die anyway why not just speed up the process. It wasn't like they didn't kill humans on a daily basis.

"Camille you'll be fine, you'll be alright." Klaus kept repeating. I've realized he was probably having a panic attack. Oh how great.

What felt like in enetiry of burning Marcel finally came back with a young girl. Who looked about fourteen. "I've only seen this spell a few times. It's killing her from the inside." Davina explained softly.  "She'd have a month at the most "

A month? A month of burning. Then I realized it would hurt Uncle Kerrian if I died. I can't die. There has to be a way.

"Then fix it!" Klaus shouted outraged. He was still rubbing my back.

"I can't it's in ancient spell, probably you're mother's doing. The best I could do for her is maybe give her another month." The young witch replied.

Two months of this? I don't know if I could handle that.

"So she's going to die no matter what we do?" Rebeckah asked.

"Well there's one thing you could do, but you probably already knew that." What did the witch mean by that. Klaus seemed to understand, so did everybody else. What am I missing. Then it hit me. The only way to save me was turn me into a vampire. There had to be another way. There had to be.

The pain was still there, but it helped having Klaus near by. He looks hurt, like he is truly in love with me, and I may be in love with him. I think I was crazy to believe I was forced to be in love with, I wasn't I do love him.

So we got some drama going on😅 Camille finally admitted her feelings to herself . Yeah I know a lot going on, but I know what I'm doing. Don't worry. So what will happen?🤷 You'll find out soon enough.

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