Brotherly love

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Camille O'Connell was my soulmate.

No, there was no possible way in hell that was true. She is beautiful and pure. My world could only kill her. She wasn't safe if somebody found out this piece of Information.

I was inmortal I couldn't be killed. Camille on the other hand could. Even if she was a vampire she could easily be killed by any of my many foes.

The safest thing for her was for me to stay away, forever. But that would be impossible. Elijah proved that, when he first met Hayley he tried to stay away. He only lasted two bloody days. I knew I would have to speak to Elijah about this.

Me and Hayley left Camille's apartment, going straight to the compound. We were greeted by Rebekah and Elijah.

"Where have you two been?" asked Elijah, worried.  Elijah examined Hayley to make sure she wasn't hurt in any way.  Once he found nothing he relaxed a bit.

"Just out." Hayley answered, smiling.

"You and Nik hanging out for no reason? That's new." Rebekah commented.

"Elijah. May I speak to you. In private." I asked. Elijah nodded after giving Hayley a quick kiss he followed me into the study.

Elijah paced around around the room like he usually does, before looking me in the eyes.

"I've found my soulmate." I muttered.

Elijah immediately stopped pacing and looked at me shocked. Probably by the fact I admitted he was right. "You have. That's where you and Hayley were, wasn't it ?" He asked. I nodded.

"What's your next steps, Niklaus?" He asked, actually curious. That's exactly what I've been asking myself. I was hoping he'd have an answer, even though I'd probably wouldn't listen to him.

"A more important question. Who?" He asked, wondering who the poor soul was.

"Camille O'Connell." I answered.

"The bartender?" I nodded.

He looked thoughtful for a second. He continued his pacing.

"That actually makes sense. Only the most understanding of creatures could love you."  He muttered.

What in the bloody hell did he mean by that? I know that I was a bastard, but he didn't need to day it.

"Elijah, what do I do?" I asked, concerned.

Elijah looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.

"That is entirely up to you, Niklaus. You know what I think, you should give her a chance. You'll end up with her anyway, why hurt her for no reason. You know Rebekah, Hayley, and I will support you."

I already knew Elijah and Rebekah were on my side, they always are. So I already knew Elijah's thoughts about this. He was happy that I've found a soulmate, hoping that somebody could change me for the better.

I wasn't going to let that happen. I'd be the same Klaus Mikaelson, just with a soulmate. The same bastard son, just with a soulmate.

Just because she's human doesn't mean that I'll become better.

Camille would be safe though, no harm would come to her, anybody that will try to hurt her will die a horrible death. Anybody that wrongs her would be dead, that I can promise.

Soulmates. A Klamille StoryWhere stories live. Discover now