Are we stalking bartenders now?

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'Sean O'Connell killed himself and twelve others. '

O'Connell? As in Camille O'Connell? She had a brother? It wasn't like it was shocking or anything, but I was interested for some reason.

Camille slammed the newspaper on the table before she grabbed her phone and called someone. I looked to Hayley who was as interested as I was.

"Camille?" Said a males voice on the other line.

Did she have a significant other? If she did, how did I miss it? If she does he wouldn't be in the land of the living for long.

"Uncle Kerrian, Can I ask you some questions?"

So she wasn't romantically involved with the guy on the phone. The new information made me relax a bit.

  "Funny how you haven't talked to me for years, but once you need something you call me." Kerrian said annoyed.

My curiosity got the best of me. What happened between them to make Camille not talk to him?

"Please, it's important." Camille practically begged.

Hayley was watching intently still interested in the new information that was given to us.

Both sides were silent for what felt like forever. When was I ever this inpatient? Oh, I am always this inpatient. I've always been since I was a kid. Reminding me I was still on the run from my vile father, Micheal.

"What is it Camille?" Kerrian finally gave in.

Camille smiled at the fact she won the battle. "I wanted to ask you some questions about Sean, in person."

She was curious about this Sean person? I could find out everything about him in only a few seconds. I just had to ask Marcel… Who I now just realized was my enemy.

  "Camille…" Kerrian started but was interrupted.

  "You owe me this, you've been lying to me since I was a child. You owe me this!" Camille shouted.

Lying about? Before I could listen to more my phone went off. Causing Camille to look around the house. Hayley grabbed my phone and threw it before we could get caught, causing my phone to break .

"We'll talk about this later." Camille said, as she hung up the phone.

"Who's there?" She asked, like she was expecting an answer. She grabbed a broom wielding it like a sword.

What, did she expect me to show myself like some idiotic fool? Camile looked around her apartment panicked, fearful.

I wanted to comfort her for some odd reason. Hayley's words came back to mind.

"I know you might not think this now, but my belief is that, that girl right there. Is your soulmate."

Everything finally added up….

Camille O'Connell was my soulmate.

So I'm thinking to switching Camille's POV but I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

Soulmates. A Klamille StoryWhere stories live. Discover now