No regrets

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After the whole Camille incident I was pissed. I was thrilled she was still one of the living, but that didn't stop me from getting angered.

I went looking for Marcel. I went to his compound. There was a huge party like event going on. With Vampires feeding on humans, great.

I found one of Marcel's daywalkers, Diego. I went up to him. "Where's Marcel?" I asked.

  He gave me a look. This guy was definitely part of the dumb vampires in New Orleans, not that there was any smart ones.

  "Who's asking?" He asked, annoyed.

  Well this guy was dumb, not brave, just dumb.

"You're joking." I said, letting my hybrid face take over.

Immediately Marcel came out of nowhere.

  "Whoa! whoa!" He got in between me and Diego. "He was just looking after me, Klaus. It's what we do here."

"And the Vampires that followed me and Elijah?" I asked.

Marcel smiled. "I was just asking them to look after you. Give you the warm New Orleans welcome."

"We have rules here, Klaus. It's how we stay on top." He adds.

Rules! He was telling me how to do things. Nobody does that and lives. Nobody.

  "What if someone breaks your rules?" I ask.

He looked thoughtful for a second. "They die." Was all he said.

That was all the information I needed. I lunged forward and bit one of his vampires. Having no clue who it was.

"Thierry!" Marcel shouts.

  I'm guessing his name was Thierry. I pulled away. "Well what are you gonna do now. I broke your rules, yet I can't be killed." I said, while laughing.

  I left the scene. I obviously broke Marcel's trust, but that didn't matter right now. I will not be told what to do. Ever.

When I got home Rebekah and Elijah were staring at me with disappointed looks. Of course they knew what happened. Word spreads fast when you're a vampire.

Exactly why I can't have a soulmate, everyone would know what my weaknesses were. And I couldn't have that.

  "You really had to do that." Rebekah said annoyed. She hated when I murdered anybody for any reason. Unless it was for what she calls a "good" reason.

  "Marcel was questioning my authority, I had to show him who was boss." I said, casually.

  Marcel would forgive me, in time. Now that I am back, I'm the king again. This time Marcel knows that.

"You should help the guy you bit, Nik. That way you still have Marcel's trust." Rebekah tried to reason.

"Then he'll think it was just a threat, not a promise." I countered.

  Rebekah groaned and rolled her eyes. "Bloody hell, Nik!" She shouted as she left the room.

Elijah just looked at me and shook his head. He disagreed with my decision, well who cares.

I know the chapters are kind of short, but that's just the it is😅.

Soulmates. A Klamille StoryWhere stories live. Discover now