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(A week later)

I've been talking to Camille and spending time with her at the cafe for about a week now. Sometimes she would come over, but only when Rebeckah was home. They became the best of friends, like sisters almost.

Today Elijah planned a meeting for us all to talk about plans on what to do against our family. I asked him if Camille could come, bescuse I believe it's something she should know. Elijah agreed almost too willingly, like it was his plan all along.

Camille was on the couch with Rebeckah and they were talking about nonsense. Laughing and smiling the whole time. Marcel was standing behind the couch, probably trying to figure out how Camille would ever be able to love me.
Elijah and Hayley were busy in the bedroom. Late to their own meeting, like always.

"So I see we're all here." Elijah said as he walked in. Hayley sat on the arm of the couch closest to Rebeckah. "Nice to finally meet you, Camille." He said, giving her his hand to shake.

"Call me Cami, Camille's a grandma's name." Hayley laughed a little, knowing it was impossible for Elijah to use a nickname. All Elijah did was nod in response.

"So it's probably best if we catch Cami up on the latest Mikaelson drama." Rebeckah added.

That was going to take a long time, I knew an easier way. This wasn't something I did very often, but I was going to do it now.

I gently put my hands on both sides of her face and closed my eyes, willing her to go into my mind. Showing her my family's past and everything she would need to know. When I opened my eyes, I saw her incredibly beautiful, but shocked face.

I put my hands to my side and looked at Elijah who was just staring at me. "That's one way to do it." Marcel muttered.

"That's terrible nobody should have to go through that." She said softly. I gave her  a smile letting her know I was okay.

After two hours of  talking about Finn, Esther, and Kol. We still haven't come up with any ideas. Right now Hayley and Rebeckah were trying to figure out what to do later, while Marcel and Elijah spoke about battle plans.

Which left me and Camille in the living room, I decided to join her on the couch. "I'm sorry." She blurted. I was shocked. Why was she apologizing, she hasn't done anything.

"For what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

She was silent for a moment. Thoughtful.

"Everything that you've been through. Your father, your mother. It's terrible, nobody should have to go through that." She said, looking me straight in the eyes. She meant every single word she said.

Nobody has cared for me the way she has. Nobody even listens yet Camille does. I know it's only been two months, but I'm madly in love with Camille O'Connell.

"Well look at you, love. Your father left and your mother died. So did your brother. You shouldn't be saying nobody should go through that, when you have." I pause for a moment. "Everybody that has hurt you shall suffer."

She eyes me for a second. "You know when I think I understand you, you go and say weird shit like that."

"By the way you're acting, you'd think you're in love with me." She added, while laughing. Like it was some joke that could never be real.

Ironically she was correct, I was in love with her. I ,Klaus Mikaelson, the man that cares for nobody is in love with a mere human. How weak that must sound.

I, the man that would kill humans for sport, fell in love with one, oh how the tables have turned.

"I would like you to stay here for awhile, at least until the problem we have is gone." I said, turning to Camille. The look on her face told me that she didn't agree, she had to be smarter than that. Then again she's hanging around Vampires that are known to kill people.

I wanted her here so that one she'd be safe, two she would be near me at all times, and three I'd get to know her better.

I plan on doing Camille's point of view next chapter. So you'll see how she feels about Klaus and how the soulmate connection works on humans. 🥰😂

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