Monday, August 31st

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This was horrible. Just as I foresaw. This year was going to be horrible.

Helen insisted on getting the upper half of the locker even though I was taller than she was.

"Why can't I have the upper half? It's the better half."

"Because it was my locker for the past three years. I am not going to let you take the better half."

"I am new here, you could be a little more welcoming."

"You invaded my life."

"You're being unfair. I didn't do anything on purpose. I just stood there, saying goodbye to my mom's boyfriend and you attacked me."

"I said 'Hi'."

"Yeah, that's when I thought you were a decent human being and then you were like: 'Go away, you're in front of my locker, you dumb child!'"

"I never said that! Besides, you stood in front of my locker!"

"You're so childish."

"I'm childish? You just imitated my voice and accused me of calling you a dumb child. If that's the way you see yourself, okay, but don't blame me."

I indeed was being childish, but I was not going to step down. "You insist on having the upper half of the locker because you think you're superior to me. Here's a news flash: You're not."

"Yes, I am. I am the student body president and the best student of my year. I deserve this. I am not letting you take what's mine."

"Oh, so this whole thing is about your pride. I get it now."

"You don't get anything. You don't know me. Just – take the upper half I don't care as long as you leave me alone."

"Deal." I reached my hand out. She looked at it, then turned and strutted down the hallway.


I followed her hoping that Mrs. Hudson was right when she said that we were in the same class.

When we entered the room, the unexpectedly young teacher looked surprised at us. From the first moment on she reminded me of Miss Honey from Matilda.

"Helen, come in, come in. And you must be Sofia, so nice to meet you. Close the door behind you, will you, Sofia? Look, there is a free chair in the third row, next to Jonathan."

Said Jonathan raised his hand and I sat down on the chair the teacher pointed out. I looked around. The other students looked pretty nice. Maybe, I just had bad luck with meeting Helen first.

"Like I just said, I need to prepare some things, so I brought something for you. It's just a short survey about what you might expect from this class, the curriculum, from me. Fill it out, and I'll be back in 10 minutes to start the lesson."

She smiled at us, waiting for approving nods and handed Helen in the first row a stack of paper.

People started to talk the moment she left the classroom, catching up on their holiday.

"Hey, new girl," said the boy, Jonathan, to my left with a heavy accent. British? "What's your name again?" No, Australian.

"Sofia is her name. Could you please be quiet now?" It was obvious who had said that.

"I can speak for myself, but thanks."

"Jonathan Baker, but Baker's fine. Nice to meet you, Sofia," he said, reaching out his fist for me to bump, then turned to Helen. "What's wrong, princess? Are you on your period?"

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