The Reichenbach Fall (Part 1)

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In an art gallery, the Director of the gallery is finishing his speech as he stands near a painting.

"Falls of the Reichenbach, Turner's masterpiece, thankfully recovered owing to the prodigious talent of Mr. Sherlock Holmes." The director said.

The patrons applaud. Sherlock, Vaness and John are standing nearby. The Director gives a small gift-wrapped box to Sherlock.

"A small token of our gratitude." The director said.

Sherlock takes the box and looks at it.

"Diamond cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons." Sherlock said.

"He means thank you." John said to the Director

"Do I?" Sherlock asked

"Yes you do." Vaness said to Sherlock, smiling to the director.

"Thank you." Sherlock said insincerely.

He starts to walk away, hand holding Vaness', but John holds him back.

"Hey." John said.

"Just a few." Vaness whispered to Sherlock.

Sherlock unwillingly stops and the press start taking photographs. Later, one of the photographs appears in a newspaper article headed "Hero of the Reichenbach". The straplines read "Turner masterpiece recovered by 'amateur' ; "Scotland Yard embarrased by overlooked clues". The text of the article reads: "A Turner masterpiece worth £1.7million that was stolen from an auction house ten days ago has been recovered by an amateur detective from North London. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street has been investigating the art crime simply as a hobby, and yet he was able to follow the trail that lead him to the famous work - a trail that Scotland Yard missed completely. "

Vaness, Sherlock and John are in the living room that night. Vaness was at the sofa while the boys are in their respective armchairs. She pretends to read a book while she types in a message.

To: Mycroft
We need to talk. ASAP.

Vaness got out of Baker Street the next day. She stayed on the sidewalk until a black car stops in front of her. She opened the door and got in, sitting next to 'Anthea'. They were driven to an elegant white painted building which has a brass plaque outside declaring the venue to be THE DIOGENES CLUB. Vaness goes inside and enters a large room which - back when the building used to be a house - was probably a drawing room. A large marble fireplace surrounds an unlit fire and the walls have heavy wooden panelling and ornate white plaster coving. The room contains five small round tables, each with a single armchair beside it, and four of the chairs are currently occupied by smartly dressed middle aged or elderly gentlemen reading newspapers and taking no notice of each other or of the new arrival.

Vaness knew not to speak nor to make a sound. But she didn't know how to find Mycroft! She stood in the middle of the room for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. She then got an idea and walk towards the wall infront of an elderly man. There, on the wall, it a buzzer. She presses it and waited for the security to take her.

Vaness found herself seated in a smaller room, presumably, Mycroft's office there. Mycroft was in the room with her, pouring himself a drink.

"So what is it about that you wanted to speak to me of?" Mycroft asked, turning to face her.

Vaness turn serious. "The consequence of you telling Moriarty everything about Sherlock's childhood."

Mycroft looked guilty, "Ah yes, about that..."

"No need to explain Mycroft." Vaness interrupted him.

Vaness looked down, not knowing where to start. Mycroft noticed her pained expression.

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