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The next morning rise so quickly. Olivia was dead sleeping until she heard her alarm went off. She is still half awake and when the time say It's 7:05am. She put her phone down and stretch out her body in bed. Then she get up and go shower.

After done showering, she wear her uniform and get ready. The feelings from yesterday still lingering in her body. She is still annoyed with everything and how friendly everyone were. She grab her bag, walk out of the room and go downstairs.

This time, it's really quite compared with yesterday. She go to the kitchen because she saw a little sticky note on the counter. The notes written,

Dear sweetheart,
I'm sorry I have to leave early this morning. I have an emergency work to do this morning and dad's too. I didn't have time to make you breakfast. I'm sorry and for yesterday, I'm really sorry. I hope you have fun at school and I hope you can forgive me and dad. If you give me one more chance, I would like to make it up to you. Love you.
Mom and dad

After reading it, Olivia crumble the paper and throw it away. She doesn't need anything from them to make her feel better. In fact, it just make her feel more angry. Then she get out of the house.


She have arrive in front of the school, which she stopped for a moment before she stepping inside. The sight of the building and everyone walking in groups or in pairs happily makes her stomach sick. She feels like this energy is too much for her. 

When she was on her way to her class, she ran into two seniors,

"Hey you!"

Olivia stop and look at them. She already been annoyed yesterday and now this. People really don't get her. She just give them a default expression just like how she gave everyone else. The senior go to her,

"You must be new because I've never seen you around or are you just a bunch of nerds that I've never seen before." The others laugh at the insult. Olivia just grinding her lips and clench her fist. She was already mad at her parents yesterday and the feelings still there and now she have to face this bunch of fools that is trying to provoke her. She looks at them and say,

"Maybe I am a bunch of nerds but at least I don't go around seeking attention  like a slut." The senior silent for a second. They were not expecting that from her and mostly were not expecting getting called slut. 

She push Olivia hard enough to make the girl fall on he butt. Olivia was shocked. She kind of expecting something to happen to her but she was not expecting to get thrown on the ground. She is trembling and is scared but she does not show it. Instead, she clench the little rocks in her hands. She's ready to punch but then the senior squat to meet her eyes. She smirk and say,

"You're really brave, aren't you? In my whole life, no one ever dare to fight me until you. So I was kind of impressed by your braveness." She said it in, vaguely whether she was truly impressed or was she just warning her. Olivia just stay silent but she gather the little rocks in her hands as much as she can. 

"I'm Eve and this is Jinsoul." Eve said. Olivia does not say anything but keep her eyes glued to her. Then Eve flick Olivia's forehead,

"Don't give me that look. You have to know I'm your senior and you have to respect me. You can't go around, giving people that look because you look like an idiot. Not nerds." Eve said and Olivia can't hold it in anymore.

She throw the rocks in her hands at Eve and push her. Eve is screaming about the rocks got in her eyes. Olivia give Eve a warning,

"You should have not done that. You think you can just go around beat the hell out of everyone but you can't do that to me. I feel sorry for you, to be honest. The fact that you have to beat people out just because your ego is too high to ask for help. I feel really sorry for you." Eve is still wincing and crying because her eyes now have turned red. She gets up with the help of Jinsoul and look at Olivia, doesn't feel a single regret or threatened. Her eyes has becomes teary.

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