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Olivia's done showering. She peak through the door gap to see if Choerry's there. After a clear line, she get out with a towel wrap around her body and pretty wet hair.

To make it more secure, Olivia go to the door and lock it. She already had trauma with Choerry barge in.

After everything had secured, she wear the white blouse that been put on the bed and the pair of jeans.

After done wearing the clothes, she wipe off her hair and use the hairdryer that on Choerry's study table. At this point, she don't care if she use anything without permission because she just lazy to ask.
She use the brush on Choerry's makeup desk, use a bit powder and walla, she's done.

Then she look herself in a mirror stand. For the first time, she doesn't hate herself and she actually feel a bit happy in the inside because she feel like this clothes belong to her and only her can pull it off.

While she's admiring herself, a knock been heard and she startle a bit,

"Olivia! Are you done yet?! I know you lock the door. Open up if you're done so that I can shower."

Olivia who heard her on the other side, hesitate to open because she feel like want to tease Choerry a bit. She just stand there and wait for Choerry to talk again.

Then after a few minutes, Choerry knock the door but this time in more like want to break the door,

"YA!! I know you're done! Open the door!!"

Olivia expected that reaction but coming from the girl who always bright seems a bit more surprise. Then she go to the door with a smirk on her face. She open the door, seeing Choerry frowning and pouting but all of that gone when she saw Olivia,

"Wahh!!! You look so pretty. As expected, only you can pull off this clothes." The feeling of want to throw hands at Olivia, gone just like that. She smile widely like she really meant it. Olivia who standing between the entrance, just being awkward with the situation because she never ever receive a compliment. She don't know what to feel or to say back.

Then Choerry push Olivia to the side and walk into her room. Olivia just shake her head and close the door. Then Choerry talk again,

"Ahh! I ask a few friends to go out today."
Choerry said that while searching her clothes in the closet. Olivia sit on the bed and say,


Choerry stop searching and turn around to look at Olivia,

"So you're coming with me." She pursed her lip and lift her both eyebrows while Olivia being the opposite. She frown and make a judgy face,

"Ok, first of all, why?"

Then Choerry answer while searching her clothes,

"Just want to. Besides, I haven't really introduce you to any of them properly and they really don't know you so it's a good time for you and them being friends."

The answer make Olivia hate Choerry like she know that Olivia don't like to make friends or being introduce. She like to stay low profile but being with Choerry, there's no doubt that her profile will not gonna stay low,

"Ok, you just make a decision without asking me first?! We're not that close for you to make my-"

Choerry stop and look at Olivia with an offended on her face and Olivia just feeling bad after see Choerry's face. She roll her eyes and hiss,

"Ok I'm sorry. Fine. We'll go. I don't want to argue about something small." She look away while Choerry smile again.

Then Choerry have found her going out clothes. She throw it on the bed and look at Olivia,

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