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No sound, no people chattering, no nothing. Olivia slowly open her eyes and see a really bright light surrounding her. She squint her eyes because the light is too bright for her eyes. She get up and look around. She still in puzzle of why she's here.

Then, She remember the last dream, she saw a tiny light. Is this the light that she's been chasing? Is this the continuous from the last dream? There's so many questions running through her mind as she try to associate her last dream with now. She walk around to see if there's any ending to this room but the room is so big that she thought the room is big as the world.

While she walking around, a tiny black thing appear ahead of her. She feels weird about it. She look at the black thing, try to figure out of what is that.

Then the black thing start coming closer to her slowly. She back off slowly because she feel something's gonna happen in any second. While backing off, she still trying to associated her last dream and now. Then she remembers the darkness that haunt her. She widened her eyes as soon as she remembers it and run fastly away from it immediately. She run as fast as she can because she don't want to go back there.

While she running, she give a peak to see is the darkness is chasing her but when she turn her head around, the darkness was 5 meter away from her. She panic and run with all her might. Then she bump into someone. She didn't fall but she feel someone wrap their arms around her. She panting and try to escape but the grip is so tight that she can't even move her body.

She give a little glance to see is the darkness is still there but it's nowhere to be seen now. Then she sigh realieve but she forgot that someone hug her right now. She thought that this person just hold her from running away from it but instead this person save her from it, that's what she thought for now. She look up to see who is it but she can't see it clear because of the light.

Then the grip slowly loosen from her body. After it really loosen, she push the person away from her and try to back off as far as possible. The darkness is gone doesn't mean she let her guard down. She look at the person with her squinting eyes but still can't see the person's face but she know it's a man. He wears all white clothes and that make the girl even more curious of who is he because wearing all white could mean only one thing to he. It's heaven.

The man didn't move an inch after Olivia push him away but instead she sense that he look at her eyes. Then Olivia brave herself to talk to him,

"Wh-who are you?!!" She stutter because the darkness still lingering in her mind and how scary is that if it will be in her next dream. He didn't respond and just look at her. She frown and thought, Is he playing deaf or my voice is too soft? There's now way my voice is too soft. We just 5 meter away from each other. Then she ask him again,

"I SAID WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!" This time she raise her voice just to make sure her voice been heard by him (even though they're not that far). Still he didn't respond. Olivia started to feel annoyed and just walk away because this literally wasting her time but then, he stop her,


She stop and froze for a moment. She pursed her lip and turn around but the moment she turn around, he was standing in front of her. She startle and back off a little. Now she can see his eyes but she feel something is not right here so she get away from him but the more she try to get away from him, the more closer he gets. Then she she put her fist up and warn him,

"Don't you dare come closer to me or I'll kill you!" She actually didn't mean it because she never ever punch someone before so she have no courage to do it. While she was too focus on focusing on the man's movement, she didn't realize that her leg being grab by something. She felt her legs are heavy and she look down to see why her legs feel heavy but there's nothing grabbing her legs.

Will You Still Remember? /LOONA FANFICTION [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant