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My English is still broken and I'm sorry if there's any broken grammar or mistyped error. I hope you know what I mean and enjoy the chapter.

She open her eyes slowly and saw a bright light shining above her. Her eyes twitch and squint because of the light. She slowly trying to look around and try to lift her hands but somehow her arm can't move or felt like been tied up around her wrist. She try again but the tied is so tight that it hurts her wrist. She clench her fist and feel want to burst out because of anger inside her, she try to break the tied even though it hurts her wrist while yelling.

Then someone enter the room and straight away hold her hands to stop her from resisting. She try to escape but what can she do when her both wrist been tied up?
She stop and look at the person who's holding her hands. Her eyes vision still blurry so she can't see it clearly while sharp breath coming out from her mouth everytime she exhale.

She look beside her, infront of her and somehow it's like there's so many people around her. Since her vision is blurry, she keep on trying to break the tied,

"What are you doing?!! Let me go!! Let me go, ASSHOLES!!!" Olivia keep on pull her hands aggressively the opposite way of the tied but the effect is gonna make her wrist hurt and have bruises. Then a familiar voice speak,

"Calm down, Olivia! You're in a hospital!" She stop and look at the person besides her. Her hair, her face shape, it looks familiar. The purple hair, the first person come to her mind is just one and only person. Choerry.

After keep on staring at Choerry, her vision slowly being clear and she saw Choerry's face clearly. Then Olivia look at the front of her bed. There's Heejin, Hyunjin, Yeojin, Yves, Jinsoul, Chuu, Lip and Gowon. 9 people in her room and that's not a good start for her to see as soon as she wake up plus being tied up make her go crazy inside but seeing Gowon stand there, looking at her with a blank face make her feel calm just a little bit like 0.5% so she's freaking mad right now. Then Chuu talk,

"I'll go get the doctor." She quickly get out of the room. The room is completely silent since when Olivia finally stop her yelling and all of them seems to be avoiding something and same goes to Choerry. Olivia is fed up with the silence so she break the ice,

"Ok why are you guys here?! Are you expecting me to be dead so you guys can hold a funeral for me?! What a nice people you are! I appreciate it but as you can see, I'm not dead! Nice trying to do that!" At this point, Olivia don't care about people's feelings anymore. She tried once but as you can see, she's been betrayed so she want to be herself back. Then Olivia notice her wrist still been tied up,

"Why am I being tied up? Are you trying to kill me?! Are you guys trying to torture me?! Let me go, You ASSHOLES!! This is child abuse! I'm gonna sue every one of you when I'm free!" She keep on trying to break the tied but it's just make her wrist hurt. Her wrist already have bruises but she don't care. As long as it's the only way to break free, she'll take the risk. Then Choerry grab something sharp inside the drawer and cut the tied. Olivia froze and in shock as why there's something sharp like scissors in her drawer,

"Are you seriously trying to kill me?! Why is there a scissors in the drawer?! Mind answer me because, I'M GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOW!! Oh my god, never thought the day I would be crazy and coincidentally, I'm in a hospital so that's good news as you guys don't have to bring to the hospital anymore!" At this point, she just keep taking nonsense and her mind going crazy. Olivia scoff and keep on yelling. Thank god there's no one except them while all of them just let Olivia do her talk but not Yves. The tall brunette just close her eyes and cover her ears with her hands. Olivia scoff and saw Yves infront of her who look like in disgusted,

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