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Olivia suddenly open her eyes. She spacing out for a moment while looking at the ceiling with her sleepy eyes. She sit up and look at the clock. She can't see it clear so she rub her eyes to see it better. It's 3:40am. She sigh and let her body fall on the bed. She didn't think about anything because her mind is sleeping. Then she close her eyes. Suddenly, she had a dream.

The dream was so blurry that she can't see anything clearly but she know she was at a playground because she know the shape of everythings in the playground. After a few blink, it become clear. Olivia look around her to see her surrounding. She feel weird about shes at the playground because she remember she was in her room when she's sleeping. Then she saw two girls playing, smiling and laughing together by the swings. Olivia walk towards them slowly, try not to let them notice her.

She just 3 meters away from them and yet they didn't notice her as if Olivia didn't exist there. Then she feel kinda happy watching them laughing and playing together and that's make her feel soft. She smile a little, looking at them. Suddenly, Olivia look at this one girl who push the other girl who was sitting on the swing. Olivia walk closely to her and try to get a better look. She kneel down to see the girl's face. Olivia start to feel that she's invincible to them but she didn't complain and  just minding her own business. The girl's smile, it's remind her of someone. She frowning, try to think hard who is it but as soon as she started to think about it, the whole ground shaking. She jump a little because of the sudden earthquake and she fall to the ground. Her eyes are trembling and scared a little. She try to look at the two girls but they were gone and same for the other things around her earlier. It just her alone. She try to get up but the ground was shaking so hard that it's hard for her to even try to stand up but she didn't give up and try it many times. When she already success for getting up, she try to run but as soon as she run, she fall into a hole. She scream louder than she ever scream before and the world gone black.

Then she wake up and sit up quickly. She gasping and her body start to sweat. Her heart, beating so fast as if she just went into a haunted house and her eyes shaking. She look around her and realize it was all just a dream. After realize it was just a dream, she breathe in and out, try to calm herself down. She look at the clock, it's 6:30am. She cover her face, try not think about that dream. She felt like someone just drown her in the water. This is the first time she ever felt like she could have died in a dream. Then she lie down, try to calm her mind that was still thinking about that dream. After done calming her mind, she get out of her bed, grab her towel and go to shower.

While she was showering, the dream seem to be unforgettable and still lingering in her mind. The dream wasn't the usual dream she had, like that dream want to show or tell her something. The girl's smile really remind her of someone. She make her conclusion that the girl's smile reminds her of Choerry but what does Choerry have to do with her. Why her smile look like Choerry? Not like a bit but it's really the same, that's what she think. Then she shake her head, to avoid from think about it too much. She finish her shower and get out of the bathroom.

She wear her school uniform, grab her bag and get out of her room.

When she got downstairs, she saw her parents cooking something in the kitchen(more like they try to be nice to each other after had a fight). Olivia feel disgusted with the whole situation she saw in the kitchen. Then her dad notice her then followed by her mom who notice her later,

"Morning, Olivia! We make you pancake for your breakfast. Come eat. You'll get hungry while learning." Her dad said it with a warm smile on his face. She go to the kitchen counter and sit in front of it. She saw a plate of pancake on the kitchen counter with some slices of watermelon. She look at it for a moment. She already fed up with the food, it's like, is there no other things that this you can make?
She just stay silent and look at the food with no emotion. Then her mom talk to her,

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