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They finally arrived in front of Choerry's house. They walk to the front door and Choerry enter her home passcode.

After done entering it, choerry told Olivia to wait outside for a second. She just nod and wait patiently.

After 2 minutes of standing outside, Olivia start to be impatient a little then she murmur to herself,

"Where is she? This is more than a second and I'm not here for it."

While she murmuring it, Choerry get out and told her to come in while smiling like she didn't make the girl wait for too long. Olivia look at her in disbelief but she don't want to fight about it so she just stay silent and enter the house.

After entering the house, first thing Olivia saw is a big sofa and a lot of decorations on the wall. She was amaze by that and in awe for a second. She didn't know what to do because this is the first time she ever been to a stranger's house.

"Don't be shy. Just make yourself at home." Choerry try to not make the girl feel uncomfortable with her home then Olivia nod awkwardly and sit on the sofa that face the tv.

Olivia look around and see everything in detail because she can't lie about the house is way more bright and beautiful than her house. Then Choerry, in the kitchen ask Olivia while preparing two glasses of water,

"Are you hungry?"

Olivia focus on choerry after done scanning the house. She didn't say anything because she don't like to accept anything from anyone because her mind have been set to not to. Then Choerry continue while nodding a little,

"Of course you're hungry. You haven't eat anything since morning, right?"

She bring the two glasses of water to the living room and put in on the table in front of the sofa. Olivia is thirsty but she hesitate to take it because she feel awkward without the girl's invitation. Choerry grab her glass and drink it while Olivia just look at it. Then Choerry notice she didn't touch the glass,

"Is there anyone else besides us here?" Choerry said while looking around her house and Olivia look at Choerry in confusion. Then Choerry look at Olivia and she still didn't touch the glass and that make the girl found it cute with her shyness,

"I just teasing you. Drink it. It's for you, anyway." She smile and continue drinking the water while Olivia still hesitate to take it but since the girl already invited her, she take the glass and drink it. Choerry smile looking at the girl drink the water so fast. She know she's thirsty and who doesn't feel hungry or thirsty when you didn't eat almost the whole day. Then Olivia put the glass back after finished it. Choerry smile brightly while looking at her and Olivia just give choerry a death look,

"What are you looking at!?"

Choerry laugh and give a light punch on her arm. Then Choerry remember something,

"Ohh! I almost forgot. My parents are gonna be home late so you don't have to be worry about that and should we order take away food?" Choerry ask her while pulling her phone out of her jeans pocket. Olivia look at her as if she's the one who need to make every decision.

Choerry open the pizza delivery app. She look at Olivia and say,

"What about we eat pizza and chicken today?" She ask for Olivia's agreement and the black hair just say,

"I'm ok with it."

Choerry smile and focus on her phone back. Olivia just feel soft inside while looking at the girl, smiling and happy. She feel herself happy a little for the first time after a while.

Will You Still Remember? /LOONA FANFICTION [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now