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The time has slowly pass and Olivia still wide awake even tho her eyes feels so heavy. She lean back on the chair and look at Choerry, still not awaken. She look at the clock and it's already 8am. She sigh and feels like her body sore and ache so much. She stretch her body while still sitting, then Choerry's phone ring beside her, which make Olivia froze and look at the contact number. It's Heejin. She take the phone and pick up the call,

"CHOERRY AH!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The girl's squeaking and it make Olivia startle and move the phone away from her ear a bit because it's too loud. Then Heejin continue,

"I came to your classroom and you're not there. Are you not going to school today? You usually tell me if you're going to school or not one day before. Are you sick? Hello, Choerry? Are you there?" The never ending question make Olivia annoyed and want to end up the call but it'll make the girl feels suspicious since she said that Choerry always tell her everything plus, what is she gonna do now? Choerry is dead sleeping and Olivia is so stupid to pick up the call without thinking. She had no other choice so she answer it,

"Choerry is not here. She's sick and will not going to school today." Then Heejin straight away ask again,

"Who is this? Who are you? Are you kidnapping Choerry? What the hell. You better let Choerry go or I-" The girls assumption, make Olivia feel angry, so she interrupt her,

"It's Olivia! And I didn't kidnapped Choerry!" She raise her voice to make it look like she's mad and it make Heejin silent for a moment. Olivia just let it be silent because she have nothing to say for now and not long after that, Heejin speak again,

"Yeah it's you. I thought it was someone else who just pretend to be you and why are you with Choerry? Why are you the one who pick up the call? Is Choerry ok?"
Olivia thought that when she raise her voice, the girl would be scared but she forgot that she's talking to Heejin, but her question make Olivia silent for a moment. How is she gonna answer that? She can't tell her that Choerry is in a hospital because it'll make the girl freak out and ditch school to come here. Even though she just met Heejin, based on yesterday behaviour, she know that Heejin will do that, so she lie,

"She just had something emergency. That's all." Then Heejin quickly talk back,

"Wait, if she have something emergency, why are you with her then? Isn't it too suspicious?" Olivia eyes widened and she pursed her lips. She didn't thought about that. She quickly think of something and she manage to do it before Heejin could make assumption again,

"Aren't you have class right now? Let's not talk on the phone." After said that, she immediately hang up, not letting the girl to answer back. She exhale and put the phone at Choerry's side back. She really don't want to tell anyone about what happened because it scare her. If she tell someone, what's the first thing that will come to their minds? Blaming and assumption. Those two things scared her to death.

While she thought about that, her stomach growl and she realized that she haven't eat since that hang out. So she get up and decide to look for some food. Before she leave, she look at Choerry, hoping she'll wake up when she get back.


She walk and walk at the walker's path then she found a groceries store. She bought 3 vanilla bread and a water bottle. Luckily she has a little bit of money kept in her jeans pocket. She get out from the store and walk back to the hospital, which is 54 meters from here.

While on the way, she notice there's a person following her on the other side of the road with all black outfit and a face mask covering the face also with a hoodie covering the head. She just ignore it and keep walking fast straight ahead.

Will You Still Remember? /LOONA FANFICTION [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now