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Before we get into this chapter, I just want to say that if there's any grammar or mistyped error, I'm really sorry. My English is still broken and I need to improve but I hope you enjoy it.


The day was so bright and peaceful. Olivia looked around her surrounding with a confused look. She walk around untill she saw a playground ahead of her. She walk towards it because her instinct told her to, plus she remember the playground in her last nightmare but this time, there's no one.

She touch the playground thing and look at everything slowly, trying to remember if the playground is the exact playground in her last dream,

Everything look the same but why do I feel something is off? Why am I at a playground? Why am I back here again?

She kept examining it untill she saw a little girl, sitting on a swing, just like last time, but it just her. Olivia without hesitation, walk towards the little girl.

Olivia stand in front of her and looking down at the girl while the girl just keep staring at the ground. Then Olivia ask her,

"Hey. What are you doing here..... alone?"

Why am I acting like I care about it? This nightmare really driving me crazy.

The girl didn't respond and keep staring at the ground,

Did she just...ignore me? This is why I don't want to be nice.

She start to feel a little mad and annoyed because if the ignorance but she try to hold herself and ask the girl one more time,

"I ask you here! What are you doing here?!" She raise her voive a little but the girl didn't give a glance nor say anything at her. Olivia have a habit where she hate people ignore her two times, straight. If it happen, she will be piss off and it happen right now,


She scoff and yet the little girl still didn't respond. It's like she just talking to a statue,

Alright. That's it. I'mma throw hands at her right now.

Olivia kneel down to meet the girl's face and make the little girl look at her straight in the eyes by holding her face but as soon as she did that, she completely feel bad and guilty after saw the girl's teary eyes. She stare into the girl's teary eyes,

Sad, upset, hatred, guilt, scared and burden. That's what Olivia felt when she stare into her eyes.

Then the little girl talk while sobbing,

"Please help me save my friend. I don't want to lose her. Please help me." The girl's voice sound desperate and Olivia who just heard it, malfunction for a moment. She don't know what to do or what to say because she never been in this situation where everyone call console.

Then Olivia let go of her face and without giving a second thought, she ask,

"Where's your friend?" The feeling of anger, gone just like that and now she feel like she need to help the girl and not think about her own feelings right now.

Then the little girl point at her. Olivia confuse for a moment. She start to feel goosebumps,

This kid have to be kidding, right?

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