Ten Years

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Tw: there's mentions of past teen sex while high and teenage pregnancy. This is kinda cheesy but like...that's what I was in the mood for... Also, sorry for it being mostly dialogue that seems to be the only thing I'm okay at writing. If I missed a trigger, let me know.

"What if we never see each other again?" Patton whimpered, ready to cry on his bowl of strawberry ice cream.

"We will!" Ramona insisted. "I saw a movie where the two friends met up again after ten years! Let's do that too!"

"Ten years... Patton and I will be twenty. Ramona, Janus, and Rebecca will be nineteen. Virgil and Thomas will be eighteen. We'd be adults, so it's possible, right?" Logan glanced around the table, worried he'd never see them again either.

"Won't we have adult things to do?" Janus sighed in defeat, poking at his ice cream. "How is it possible that five of us are moving away around the same time?"

"Because fan-fiction!" Rebecca giggled with a mouth full of ice cream and sprinkles. "I'm sure we'll all see each other again!"

"Rebecca." They all scolded and rolled their eyes. She just cackled and finished her bowl of ice cream, leaving her face a chocolate-y, sprinkle-y mess.

"What if we forget though?" Thomas worried, frowning more than he was before.

"I have an idea!" Ramona pulled her notebook from her backpack that she always kept on her. "Let's write ourselves letters! We can write our hopes for our futures and put stuff in it to tell each other! We'll put them in envelopes, write the date and address of this place, and then we'll know when and where to come back to!"

"Yeah, let's do it!" Patton cheered. He nudged the boy sitting next to him, "What do you think, Virgie?"

"Virgil, are you crying?" Thomas asked.

Virgil huffed in annoyance and turned around in his chair. He sniffled and hiccupped, "No. Shut up."

"Aww, Virgie, don't worry! We'll all meet again in ten years!" Patton hugged his friend tightly.

"That's right. I'll even save this table for you when that day comes." Their favorite waitress walked up to the table with a second bowl of ice cream for Rebecca.

"You won't have moved on from this diner?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

"Nope. I plan on staying here. I'm supposed to own it next, remember?" She smiled and set a few napkins down for Rebecca too, even though they all knew she wouldn't use them. They all "ohhh'd" and nodded their heads. "I'm going to miss you kids. You're my favorite customers, ya know?"

"At least Thomas and me will still be here!" Patton grinned for a moment before tears welled up in his eyes for the tenth time that day. "But I'll miss you guys too!"

Ramona walked around the table to pass out papers and colored pencils, stopping by Patton to hug him and Virgil. "Don't worry, Padre, Virgil, time will fly! You'll see!"

~~~Ten Years Later~~~

Patton sat at the round table and fidgeted in his seat, staring at the clock. His fingers traced the cat faces on his nylon-covered knees and played with the straps of his white short-alls. The bell on the diner's door jingled, making him snap his attention to it. He barely contained his squeal as he immediately recognized the one wearing glasses. Logan walked in right at one o'clock as agreed upon with their fingers intertwined with Desiree's. They both looked over at their table and smiled at the sight of Patton. He never grew out of his adorable phase. Patton jumped up and hugged Logan tighter than he thought possible. "Logan, you're here!"

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