Prologue Part 2 : Exile!

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The doors flung open as the short, scrawny man came bursting through. He got onto his boney knee and bowed before The Queen and her son. He sat up as he looked into the burning eyes of his Queen, she was clearly upset about something.

"Something bothering you, My Queen?" he spoke, his voice shaking.

"Stand up straight and fix your tone when you speak to me!" Queen Spice shouted as her Royal Advisor and Messenger scrambled to his feet and got his pen and paper ready to record.

"I have both a Royal Decree and a Message for you to deliver to King Storm. They are hereby Banished from the 4 Nations! I'm giving them One Year to relocate." She told him.

"What will happen if they refuse, My Queen?" The Royal Advisor/Messenger asked.

"If they think they can try to Invade my Kingdom without me ruining their lives, they have another thing coming!" Due to the Queen's anger, uncontrollable flames were coming from her palms.

"Mom, calm down-" Prince Novo said, but was quickly interrupted by his mom's raging voice.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do! You! Deliver the message! Now!" She said, chasing the poor advisor out with her burning flames. Novo rolled his eyes, getting up from his place on the throne.

"You didn't tell him about the Army." He said.

"That's none of his damn business." Spice responded "Now go do something other than stand here." Novo rolled his eyes and ran out of the room, he grabbed his hoodie and jumped out his window and with the help of his flames he made a safe landing. The sun was hotter than usual, Novo ran to the secret tunnels, opening the hatch. He had to make sure he wasn't going to be followed. He softly closed the stone door and ran to the end of the tunnel. Once there he climbed the ladder and peeked out the grass covered tunnel door. He saw Princess Luna and Kayla already in their usual meeting spot.

"Novo you can come out now. Your hot little head is burning the grass." Luna said laughing.

"Yeah whatever.." Novo said, annoyed. Getting out of his cover, he got up and the three did their handshake.

"Nice going for being late, Hot head." Kayla said

"I wouldn't talk, Earthies." Novo taunted

"Wait, where's Smokey?" Luna asked, worried.

"Um, remember, he couldn't come?" Kayla reminded Luna.

"Uh oops..." Luna said nervously.

"You totally like him!" Novo taunted.

"Ok and if I do? There's nothing your chubby ass can say about it!" Luna laughed.

"Oh come on Luna!" Kayla said "I have Kris, Novo has his little hand maiden-"

"Her name is Madelyn." Novo shot at Kayla. Kayla rolled her eyes in irritation

"Right... Anyways you and Smokey need to meet so you guys can become official!" she said, elbow bumping Luna. Luna looked away, her face beginning to turn red.

"I wish you guys wouldn't bring him up." Luna said, blushing. "Anyways, Novo , what's the 411 on the FFK's state?"

"My mom wants to start a w-" Novo was cut off, by a blaze of fire whooshing past his face, hitting Luna. Fire Troops! Novo thought to himself. He was followed. Two guards soon stood in front of Novo as the other Four attacked his friends. It was Fire against Earth.

"Stop!" Novo yelled "The hell do you think you're doing?"

"Protecting our Future King from these worthless Earthlings." Novo saw the guards as they had Luna and Kayla captive.

"You are arresting a Princess!" Luna yelled, squirming to get free.

"Tell that to the Queen." The guard said, carrying them away. As Novo was escorted back to his Kingdom, he couldn't help but feel guilty for getting his friends caught. He would have to bust them out, though against Fire Law, if he didn't it would start a War with the Earth King, King Rocklin. Novo knew a way for them to get out, but if he was gonna do it, He would need Smokey's help.

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