Chapter 7 : Aries!

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 The five teens were up very early. It had just been one day after Novo had found Sagittarius so as a celebration, Luna had made her famous tacos for her and her friends for lunch. They were all talking and laughing, while still getting to know the newcomers. Novo was the first to finish, which he finished awfully quick. He got up and started walking towards the door when Jay stopped him.

"Novo where are you going so fast? Got a hot date?" He asked.

"Nah." Novo replied. "I'm just gonna go to Aries Way and look for Golden Aries." The rest of the teens gave each other a worried look. Novo noticed this and turned around to face them.

"What's wrong?" Novo asked.

"Well," Luna said. "You were almost captured by Fire Troops when you found Sagittarius."

"Technically, I found him." Jay said.

"..Right, If it weren't for Jay, we would be planning a way to break you out of jail." Luna said.

"Well then, if you don't want me going back to the Fire Flare Kingdom.. Who's gonna go?" Novo asked, coming back to the table.

"I'll go." Jay said. "I'm the only other Fire Zodiac here." The others agreed and said his goodbyes, then Jay walked back to the West Wing to grab a few things he would need. With his flame magic he created a Fire Cloud and jumped onto it, his cloud floated out of the window and quickly whisked across Taurus castle, and soon into Taurus City. Aries Way lied in the far corner of the Fire Flare Kingdom, so to get there he traveled over the 4 Summit building, and over a bit of Scorpio Planes. He soon entered the Fire Flare Kingdom, into Aries Way. His cloud lowered itself under the archway of Aries Way. Jay read the arch and hopped off his cloud. Looking to his side, sure enough he saw a wanted poster for Novo's capture. Walking along the path to their city, Jay was trying to figure out the best and quickest way to find Golden Aries. As much as he knew, Aries loved to fight, and argued quite a lot. Maybe he should just wait until he was challenged by an Aries? Or maybe he could hold an open area for fights. Entering the city, there weren't many Aries out today. It looked more, deserted. Jay went to the nearest house and knocked on the door. Someone came to the window, peering through the curtains. They opened their door slowly and looked at Jay with fearful eyes.

"Who are you?" They asked him.

"My name is Jay, I'm a Sagittarius... Where is everyone?" Jay asked.

"Trust me. If you don't want trouble, traveler, you will go back to your Canyons now." He said quickly. Before Jay could answer back, the Aries slammed his door in his face. Trouble? Jay thought to himself. Trouble with who? He turned around and walked away from the Aries door and scoffed to himself.

"Whoever is called Trouble, I'm an even bigger Trouble anyone could ever encounter!" He boasted. He started walking through the city, it really was deserted. He got to the middle of the city, and looked around. There was a pool of water, he walked over to it, kneeling down to look at himself in the water, unaware of the unknown person creeping up on him. Suddenly, Jay felt pressure on his back, then falling face first into the pool. He quickly got up, spitting water out. He turned around with rage in his eyes.

"Hey! What gi-" He turned to see a girl with white leggings, with a cotton fluffy Ram's tail, her tank top was black and her hair was long silky brown, and to top it off, she had her Ram horns. She was just a teen, but she stood there with fire in her eyes.

"Normally everyone is smart enough to stay inside when I come around." She said. "But since your stupid enough, I'll just take you on instead."

"Take me on?" Jay said. "Who are you." He laughed

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