Chapter 5 : The Date

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Kayla stood behind Luna, brushing her slightly dampened hair. Luna's room was dimly lit with a chill breeze, it was nearly 9pm. Luna was looking into her mirror, Kayla saw her starting to smile and she looked into the mirror as well.

"Excited for your date I see?" Kayla said, grabbing a hair tie.

"I am, I'm feeling so accomplished right now. I mean, we found our Virgo, and I have an amazing Boyfriend." Luna said.

Kayla put Luna's curly hair into a low puff, using her gel to slick back her hair. "You deserve your down time girl, we have a huge mission, and you're a Princess, sure. But you're still only a teen." Kayla finished her hair and put her crown on her head. Luna looked at herself in the mirror once more and reached above her head to take off her crown.

"It's a date. I think I'm gonna leave this here." Luna said. She put on her hoops and her necklace and turned around.

"Alright." Kayla said.

"How do I look?" Luna asked. She had on her purely white air forces and a black and gold tight dress, her hair was perfectly slicked back into a low puff and her gold necklace and hoops matched her dress perfectly.

"Ok, work it bitch!" Kayla said, snapping her fingers. "Look at those curves, girl!" Luna did a pose and smiled.

"Now that's what you call slim thick! He is gonna love it!" Kayla said. The girls went over to Luna's bed and sat down.

"Where is he meeting you?" Kayla asked.

"At the Scorpio borders." Luna said.

"That's a little ways away, you should get going soon." Kayla said. "It's 9:15." Luna jumped up and grabbed her phone.

"9:15? Crap! I gotta get Passionfruit and go!" Luna said.

"Go ahead on girl. I'll see you out. You better tell pretty boy I said watch it." Kayla chuckled. The two girls walked out of her room and closed her door, they turned around and walked down the stairs to enter the throne room. Rocklin was too focused on his work to notice them walking out the castle. Luna opened the doors and walked outside. She looked to her right and saw Passionfruit lift her head and walk over to her. Luna touched her forehead with her horses, and hopped onto her.

"When are you going to be back?" Kayla asked.

"Before sunrise I promise." Luna said

"Alright, be careful out there." Kayla told her, rubbing Passionfruit. Luna signaled her horse to start running.

"I will! Don't wait up for me!" Luna called back. Kayla watched her friend go, waving at her. She turned around and saw Rocklin come up to her.

"Where is she going so late?" Rocklin asked.

"She has a date." Kayla said with a smile "With her boyfriend."

"Aw, I remember my first date. Who is this young fellow again?" He asked.

"He's the one who helped me and her out of Spice's prison. A Scorpio." Kayla said.

"A what?!" He asked with surprise in his voice. His eyes quickly shifted from Kayla to Luna's who was now a speck in the distance. Kayla looked away, then looked at the ground nervously. From the sound of it, she might have just blown Luna's cover.

Passionfruit and Luna arrived at the Scorpio borders, It was nearly midnight, she didn't see any sign of Smokey. She got off her horse and tied her to the nearest tree. She stood around and looked at the night sky. Then looked beyond the borders, she hadn't seen the Scorpio's part of town in a long time. She continued to look around until she heard wings flapping. She turned around and looked up into the sky and saw Smokey's dragon, Mystic flying down to where she was standing, she stood back as Mystic landed on the ground, Mystic stretched out his neck and licked Luna's face as a hello.

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