Chapter 10 : Cancer!

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Smokey flew through the air with Mystic across the Water Mists Kingdom. It was a cool day with a slight breeze, Smokey took a deep breath in feeling the cool crisp air fill his nose. The moisture in the air tickled his nostrils when he passed the thick, high clouds. He was nearly out of Pisces City, headed towards Cancer Beach. He looked over to his right and leaned over so Mystic could go right. Below him he could see the ocean and the huge beach that all cancers could play on. The ocean waves were currently in high tide, coming in hard and dragging some sand out, sometimes leaving the stinky seaweed behind to leave a smell. Smokey prepared to start landing, so he could look for Cancer. He hadn't looked for any of the other zodiac's, so he volunteered to look for Golden Cancer so Kris and Luna could catch up.

"Easy, Mystic." He said as his dragon started to come in for a strong landing. The closer to the ground they got, the further they got into Cancer beach. It seemed to be warmer here than it was anywhere else. Smokey had heard that Cancer Beach always had nice weather. Except for in the winter. Soon, Mystic landed his claws into the rather warm sand. Folding his wings, he made a grunting sound looking around.

"I know this isn't your ideal place for a vacation buddy." Smokey said as he got off his back, walking around to his face to pet his long head.

"I have to look for someone very important. You stay on the beach and if I need you I will whistle." He said to him. Mystic let out a thin cloud of smoke. This was his dragon's way of showing he understood. Mystic plopped himself onto the sand, throwing up some dust when he hit the sand. Smokey nodded and started walking away from his dragon, looking around his surroundings. He looked at the beautiful ocean and grinned a bit, his thoughts were soon interrupted when he felt a hard, strong impact hit his head, almost toppling him over. He looked down and saw that someone had hit him with a beachball. He turned around, fury surging inside him grabbing the ball. He looked around to see if he could find the suspect who could have been so stupid to hit him and not watch what they were doing.

"I'm so sorry sir!" came a soft, shy voice. Smokey turned around to see a small girl coming up to him, nervously. Smokey relaxed himself for it was only a child. He held the beachball out to her.

"Here." He said calmly. The girl seemed to relax too, happily grabbing the ball from him and smiling.

"Thank you tall man!" she said, running back towards her friends with the ball. Smokey smiled as he watched her go, reaching his hand for the spot where the ball hit, it didn't hurt like it did when it hit him. He looked into the sky and the sun was already past it's highest, so he decided to head into town to see if he could find a quick way to find Golden Cancer. Once he got into town, he tried to fit in but he could tell that some of the nearby Cancers knew he wasn't from their town. It was fairly busy though so it wasn't hard for him to slip away. He saw a huge board with different papers on it, so he decided to take a look to see if there was anything important. He passed a few Cancers already looking at the board and immediately saw an interesting flyer.


~ Singing Contest~


Creators: Lily and Rose

Hope to see you there!

This was perfect. The whole town was to be at this contest so it would make Smokey's job finding the Golden Cancer much easier. Although, he didn't know where the contest was being held. Smokey took out his phone to check the time, 12:55. He decided to follow the two Cancers he saw looking at the same flyer. He followed them past a huge toy store where most of the children were coming in and out of. Until they came to a huge ditch with a stage at the bottom, there was a grassy area where you could stand and then after the grass there were seats. He tried to get to the seats as close as possible. He held out his hands and a gush of water came out, pushing him off his feet and into the air. Flinging himself forward, he quickly fell through the sky, shooting another full forced wave at the ground, this was able to fling him far enough to reach close to the front, doing a small summer salt, he landed on his feet with a perfect landing. Some of the Cancers saw this and started murmuring to themselves, they could clearly see he had Water powers, but couldn't seem to pin his zodiac. He watched as the stage started playing music. The contest was about to start.

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