Chapter 4 : Virgo!

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"This is pointless!" Kayla complained, throwing her head back. Luna and Kayla woke up at sunrise to travel to Virgo Corner to try and find their Golden Virgo. It was past noon and they hadn't seen any Gold marks on any of the Virgo citizens. Luna had gotten a lot of recognition, being that she was a Princess, but Kayla was just a Capricorn passing through with the Princess. It was nearly 4pm, since Queen Spice's vow to start a war, every Zodiac was put into groups and had fight and defense lessons. Luna and Kayla went to go watch the Virgos fight so they could spot the Golden Virgo easily.

"Come on Kayla." Luna said, getting up from the bench. "It's almost 4pm, lets go back to the fighting grounds."

"We've been at this for hours, Lulu." Kayla complained "He or she just isn't here." Luna grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

"We are not calling it quits until I see the fighting grounds, now come on and come to the fighting grounds or I will drag you there." She said coldly. Kayla fixed her stance and followed Luna to the fighting grounds. They were just in time, the Virgos were about to transform. Since Virgo transformations were based on what type of spirit animal they most related to (Either the Bear or Fox) There were always different opponents for either Bear Virgos and Fox Virgos. Luna watched as they all transformed, and the head leaders released their opponents, which were huge animals that some people wouldn't dream of fighting on their own. Luna scanned the clearing, looking for a golden mark, but so far, no luck.

"Lulu, look!" Kayla said, pointing to the far side of the corner. There was a Virgo fighting a bear, but he seemed to be struggling. But there was a Golden mark on his arm. The bear raised its great paw and hit the teen in the side, striking its rib. The Virgo hit the ground and tried to get up, but failed. Luna quickly reacted, she crossed her arms to make an X and her bull horns appeared on her head, and her bull tail ripped through her leggings and her Golden mark appeared on her cheek, then in her hands her magic staff appeared in her hands and she ran into the clearing to save the Virgo. The fighting stopped as she ran through everyone in a flash. The bear was standing on two paws, getting ready to smash the Virgo, the bear quickly dropped its full weight to crush him when Luna got in between the bear and the virgo and stopped the blow, then she pushed the bear back with her nature blast. The bear flew into the mountain side, causing a dent, then fell to the ground. Luna turned back to normal and fixed her crown.

"I don't know who you think you are but I had everything unde-" The Virgo stopped his forming insult and looked at Luna with wide eyes and got up onto his knees quickly as Luna transformed back to normal.

"Y-Your the Princess!" He stammered, bowing his head. "You saved me." Luna put her hand on his shoulder.

"You can get up, young warrior." Luna said as he stood up slowly. Kayla ran up to Luna's side with her face in shock.

"Wow you were fast!" Kayla said. "You saved the Golden Virgo!" The Virgo looked at Kayla, confused.

"Come with us back to my castle and bring your things too. We will explain on the way." Luna said, walking away towards the Virgo Corner Entrance with Kayla. Once at the enterance the two friends sat down and Kayla let out a huge sigh.

"I thought we would never find that Virgo." Kayla said happily. "Now we can finally go home!"

"One down, Seven to go." Luna said.

"I wanted to thank you again." Kayla said. "For letting me stay with you and your dad at the castle."

"Oh psh, My dad is nice and he knows your my bestfriend." Luna said. Kayla's eyes lit up with confidence, she had gotten an idea.

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