Chapter 9 : The Talk - Part 2

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"Why was it worse?" Luna asked.

"Because. This time both the Earth Nature Kingdom and the Water Mists Kingdom found out about Me and Sky's scandal. Which caused a lot of drama. The water zodiacs and earth zodiacs started fighting, and at first, it was by rule of my father. But I finally explained how I felt about your mother and eventually he came to. My father, Artemis and Sky's mother met and came to an agreement for the good of all the Kingdoms."

"What was the agreement?" Luna asked.

"Well, once we found out you were to be a Taurus, My father and Sky's mother decided to perform a memory wipe spell, which made the Earth citizens and Water citizens forget about Sky's pregnancy, and made them believe that you two are pure-breeds. If they didn't way worse things would have befell you and your brother." Luna looked into the darkness of her father's room, trying to piece together everything he had told her. Sky must have not told Kris this until recently. None of this was his fault, he just wanted to get to know his sister. Luna stood up and slowly walked to where her father was sitting. Rocklin looked up to meet her gaze, she saw a great amount of shame in his eyes. Luna felt a great deal of regret inside, she was so rude to Kris since the last summit, and she literally stormed out of the Water Mists Castle. She fell into her father's arms hugging him tightly. Her father slowly, but surely wrapped his arms around his daughter in relief. The two shared their hug for a little while, until Luna sat back up, breaking the hug.

"I have to go see Kris." Luna said. "Him and Smokey should be here by now."

"Whose Smokey?" Her father asked.

"He's a Scorpio, also, my boyfriend." Luna admitted. Her father raised her eyebrows. But, after what they just talked about, Luna saw that he wasn't mad, just worried.

"Now, you two youngsters need to be careful. Don't make the same mistakes your mother and I made." Rocklin said. Luna nodded, understanding her father's worry. She realized that everything Sky and Rocklin risked was for the good of the kingdom's future and for the good of their children. They might not have done everything correctly, but they had good intentions behind what they were doing. It was clear that Rocklin and Sky had some regrets about the choices they made. Luna got up from her father's side and headed for the door. She reached out for the door handle but paused for a moment.

"What am I going to do?" Luna asked, turning around to face her father again.

"About what?" He replied.

"Kris is going to stay with us until further notice." Luna said. "I was so rude to him, what should I do?"

"He probably could tell you didn't know, so he might be forgiving. But due to what is going on with Spice right now, Nobody can know of you and Kris's kinship. Keep that between you and your friends. Let them know they can't tell anyone either." Rocklin told her. "I'll let the castle staff know the same thing." Luna nodded and grabbed the door handle, beginning to leave her father in the East wing. But then she turned back once more.

"Thank you, Father." She said, then ran out of her father's room, then down the long hall of the East wing. Once she got down the stairs, she saw an out of breath Smokey and Kris catching their breaths, searching with their eyes for Luna. Once they spotted her, Smokey ran up to her and gave her a quick hug, then looked at her with a worried face.

"You practically stranded us back there." Smokey said

"I can't abandon you in your own home." Luna said, chuckling. She looked behind Smokey and saw Kris standing there with an uneasy look on his face. Luna passed Smokey to slowly approach her brother.

"Kris, I'm sorry for the way I acted, I had no idea we were siblings." Luna said. "I've been a huge ass. But I would love for you to still stay here, if you want." Kris looked at his sister and suddenly had a huge grin on his face, he hugged his sister and Luna, relieved he wasn't mad anymore, hugged him back.

"I'd love to stay here." Kris said. "I have to if we're gonna save the world." Then, Kris saw Rocklin come out of the East wing and broke the hug.

"Father?" Kris said.

"Yes, my son." He said, tears swelling in his eyes. Kris ran to him and the two shared a hug and started talking. Luna watched them as Smokey approached her again.

"What a family reunion, huh?" He said, standing next to her.

"You can say that again." Luna said.

"Well, since Kris is here, I should get going now." Smokey said, turning around to head for the huge doors at the end of the throne room. Luna quickly turned around and grabbed his wrist.

"Now why wouldn't I want my own boyfriend to stay here with me 24/7?" she asked sarcastically. Smokey looked back at her smiling.

"I can stay here?" He asked again.

"Of course, silly goose." Luna said, the two fell into a long hug, then a passionate kiss. All seemed in order now that Luna knew about her brother, and that Smokey agreed to stay. Minutes later Luna led them to the West wing where they could stay. Smokey was happy to see Novo and Kayla, and to meet Jay, Khalil, and Zoey. Now all 8 of them were together, and only a few more to go. But they had to hurry if they wanted to meet the deadline, because as of sunrise the next morning, they only have 11 days until Leona and Flare return. 

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