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I opened my eyes to see the room hadn't changed. I was still here in the 1800s, "why am I not surprised." I said sarcastically, I changed out of my dressing gown and into my tutu and tied my pointe shoes. I already knew my way there so I took the liberty of getting there early by myself. I turned around before I left when I noticed the mask, it was laying on the floor. "I must have dropped it." I said taking my hand off the door handle and walking over to it. I picked it up and examined it. "No new cracks?" I said turning it around and back. "Hm." I said while placing it on the vanity and heading out of the room. It was still dark outside and it didn't seem like anybody was awake. I walked through the doors to the stage and took the time to practice, I lit a couple of the stage lights and worked on all the steps. I did the routine at least ten times until I knew I had it perfect. "Flawless." A whisper came from the theater. I paused. "Hello?" I said looking out to the pitch black theater seats. "I'm very sorry if I'm in the way I was just practicing...I-I can leave." I said moving towards the lights to blow them out. "No, go on." The voice replied. I stood up and walked back to the middle of the stage. "Very well." I replied, I was confused where the voice was coming from, it sounded like the voice in my dressing room two nights ago. I tried to jog my memory of people I knew or had seen until a flash of the mask appeared in my memory. And Meg talking about the unknown phantom, my years of studying and heart that I put into finding the true phantom to no avail. I smiled as I continued dancing, the feeling of being watched slowly dissipated as I heard voices coming from the sides of the stage behind the curtains. I finished the step I was on and turned, the other dancers were standing there watching. "Oh...hello." I said with a little wave. Some of them smiled while others waved back, Meg ran over and gave me a hug. "You were doing so well we didn't mean to disturb you." She said with a smile, I gave her a light hug back. "Just making sure I remembered the steps." I said with a little laugh. "Come on." She said taking my hand and pulling me back with the other girls. After a while Madame Giry joined us and we began practicing. "Ok girls Monsieur Reyer is here to teach you the songs." She said hitting her cane on the ground. The songs sounded familiar, they went with the tune of the sheet music in my room. I enjoyed getting to sing for once. I never tried to be a chorus girl before and now it was combining my two favorite activities, singing and dancing. I noted something floating down from the boxes above the stage that caught Madame Giry's eye. She walked over and picked it up, "Girls continue dancing, Reyer don't be too easy on them." She said walking out of the room. She wasn't gone for long before she joined us again, what looked like a note was in her hands. "Ok Girls, that is enough for today, get rest and work on your songs." She said walking back up onto the stage. "Mistress." She said, "I have something very important for you." She said waving the letter in the air. I walked over and she handed it to me. "Read it when you get back to your dressing room." She said putting her arm around Meg and walking off the stage. I looked down at the casing of the letter, it was sealed with a wax skull. "Quite menacing if you ask me." I said putting my hand down and walking offstage. I walked into my dressing room and sat down at the vanity. "Well let's see what you have to say." I said using a letter opener to cut the wax seal. I looked up to put the letter opener down when I noticed the mask, a rose with black ribbon was sitting on top of it. "What the?"  I said picking up the rose and looking back down at the note. There wasn't much to the note other than a mysterious person complimenting my voice and dance, but there was something that caught my interest. "~Signed, OG." I said rubbing my finger over it. "OG." I said looking up. "OG- Oh my god." I said rubbing my hand over the rose and mask. Pictures of notes and letters I had found online came back to memory. "Opera ghost." I whispered. "Correct." A whisper came from the room.

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