🌸Heat of the Moment🌸

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I walked through the maze of cold stone hallways. I came across a set of stairs and stopped to make sure it was the right one. I looked up into the dark abyss above me at the tattered tapestries from old operas. "Let's hope he was telling the truth." I said tip toeing onto the staircase. Every step made my heart race half expecting to be dropped back into the swampy waters or shoved off the staircase and plummeting to the darkness below. I shivered, taking another step and hugging the wall beside me. It was damp and cold leaving my hands wet and covered in minerals. I walked for what felt like eternity as I finally made it to the bottom of the step. A grand black horse was tied down near a wall down one black hallway. It stirred as I walked away from the staircase. I'd always loved horses but I didn't have time to waste, and I needed to find a way to the lair. I remembered the black gondola encrusted with golden embellishments and a golden skull facing me. I turned my glance from the horse and walked a little further when I began to hear water. I turned down the corridor and there it was the infamous gondola. Laid against the black satin pillows was a black and gold oar. I picked it up and tried to stabilize myself as I stepped into the gondola. I have a nearly perfect memory and following the paths was easier then I expected remembering key details. Two Candelabras on the left wall here, two statues of men holding the ceiling here. And finally I was there face to face with the iron gate that separated me and the masked man. He was sitting at the organ messing with keys and writing them down. I pulled myself towards the stones that wrapped around the sides and tried to step off of the gondola. I rested one foot against the stones as an unexpected loud chord came from the organ vibrating the walls around me and causing me to tumble backwards as my grip on the wall slipped off. I hit the side of the gondola not hard but it was still painful, I attempted to stabilize it as it rocked back and forth and I held my breath praying it wouldn't flip over. I heard the rustling of papers as the man stood up from his seat. "Madame!" He said looking at me from the organ and rushing over to me. He pulled a lever lifting the iron gate as I pushed myself up from the gondola. He waded through the knee length water as he walked over to me. He placed his hands on the gondola stabilizing it, "Madame what are you doing here?" He said stretching out one of his hands to take mine. I took his hand and tried to shuffle towards him as the gondola began shaking again and I fell against him. He sighed and slid his hand under my legs swinging me into his arms. He walked back through the water and set me down on the stones in front of him. "Now I think this is a worthy time for you to answer my question." He said looking down at his soaked pants. "My apologies Monsieur, I came to thank you." I said with a smile. He looked up at me, his eyes catching the candle light. His blue eyes became a reflection of the honey gold flames. I swore I noticed a little smirk but his face was back to his regular stone cold smolder I'd become accustomed to. "Thank you...for everything, for this!" I said rummaging through my bag and pulling out the flyer. "You don't understand how much it means to me." I said looking at the flyer and back at him. "My pleasure." He said standing up straight and looking at me. "Well, I wanted to inform you I'm going to be leaving." I said shoving the flyer back in my bag. I noticed his eyes were wider than normal, he was observing me looking me up and down in a confused and dumbfounded state. He didn't say anything and we both stood there for a while. Feeling the confused tension in the room, I broke the silence. "Well thank you, really for everything." I said turning and walking towards the water I wasn't fond of the idea of wading through the murky water again but it was better than standing in silence. I barely dipped my toe into the water when I felt a hand grab my wrist. It was right and I winced turning around. As of seeing my reaction he released my wrist. "My apologies Madame...but must you go so early you just got here." He said looking at me. I pulled myself back away from the water and turned to face him. "Monsieur I have a family, and friends I need to go back to." I said looking back at him, but for the first time his stone cold face was cracked, and concerned but his eyes. His eyes told a whole new story, they were saddened and depressed like they were begging me to stay. "Sir?" I said as he broke his trance. "Excuse me." He said snapping out of his trance and walking away towards the organ, sitting on the bench. I'd barely spoken to this man but I felt a connection between him and me. "I suppose another week wouldn't do any harm." I said looking over at him. He looked up at me, again with his eyes they were so expressive even as his face never changed, his eyes looked so happy. I walked over to him and sat next to him. "The music was gorgeous, I'd never have been capable of singing like I did without you." I said looking over at him. "Thank you." He said kindly. "It was you who made it sound so angelic." He said looking over at me. I gazed into his eyes as I fell under his spell. He lifted his hand and placed a finger under my chin lifting it just barely. I smiled as I looked into the oceans in his eyes and managed a little nod, I knew his intention. I'd seen that look in a man's eyes before. He pulled me forwards to a soft kiss and pulled back to match my gaze again. I felt a rush of adrenaline and my heart skipped a beat, If I had a choice I'd feel like this forever.

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