🌸Family Ties🌸

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I looked up into the darkness, I didn't have to see to know who it was. "Madame..." a deep voice questioned, rattling me. "Monsieur." I responded. A cold gloved hand dropped down to me and I took hold standing up once more. "Here." He said deeply and quietly as he bent down to pick up the sketch pad and pencil that had fallen on the floor at my feet. He stood back up and straightened himself out handing them to me, the moonlight illuminating the room now. I took the sketch pad back and looked down, I hadn't noticed but the pages and pages of drawings were related to the mask and roses. He looked at the pages as I flipped silently, stopping on a finished drawing of his mask...the only finished drawing. "Why?" He questioned his whisper tone voice filling the room. I'd oddly missed his melodic tone and I longed to hear it again no matter how much it pained me. "I do not know monsieur." I responded in a worried tone examining the drawing like he did. "Beautiful." He whispered looking back at the drawing rubbing his hand over the shining graphite that picked up on his black glove. I pulled the book back slowly and placed it in my bag. I turned to face the dark abyss in front of me with still no clue where I was going in the dark. I looked back over and the outstretched hand met me once again, I willingly placed my hand in his and he walked me to the door. A man who lives in the darkness, to nobody's surprise knows how to traverse it. He opened the door and we walked in. A candle still lit on the vanity illuminated the small corner of the room near the mirror and bed. On the bed was a gorgeous white gown, with swan-like details and feathers. Long white satin gloves, a tiara, and a feathered beak like mask sat on the bed beside the dress. I pulled the candle over to look at it closer. It was gorgeous. "Madame Giry used one of your dresses to fit it since you weren't here." He uttered in his normal deep melodic tone. I turned to face him, the candle light now showing his face and reflecting in his icy eyes. "Thank you monsieur." I don't know what it was but his face cast a trance over me and I couldn't look away. He examined me himself, looking into my very soul and piercing it. I shook my head releasing myself from the trance to meet his eyes again. "Goodnight, monsieur I thank you for all you've done." I said quietly as I set the candle down on the vanity and blew it out. The room once more engulfed in darkness, I turned to face him but I was met with nothing but my reflection in the mirror. I pulled the dress off the bed and laid it out in the seat beside me setting the accessories on the vanity in front of me. I changed out of my dress and laid down wrapping myself in layers of velvet and satin blankets.
The day had gone by faster then normal and I was busy getting alterations done to make sure my dress fit perfectly. It was gorgeous, Madame giry tied up my hair in an intricate bun with the feathers and tiara placed on top. I felt gorgeous, like a queen. The party had been being set up the whole day, the room was covered in gold with white marble embellishments. It was like a page out of a fairytale. Meg helped me get the dress on and ready, and I helped her into a nicely made pink rose inspired ensemble. The opera house was slowly but surely transformed into a glittering gold and marble fantasy. Not long after the day turned to night and the ball had begun. Meg helped me ease into the party and after a few glasses of wine the ball became enjoyable. I danced with many attractive rich men, and met many rich wealthy women that were very interested in my history knowing who I was related to. "Antoinette!" I turned to see Meg who was chasing over to me. "Yes Meg what is it?" I asked as she stopped herself grabbing my hand. "Your aunt Antoinette, she wants to meet you!" She responded happily leading me from the crowd. It was all a blur until I was faced with a beautiful older woman, she was dressed in a beautiful golden gown with gold embellishments all over her even in her hair and a golden mask in her hand. I looked at her in awe taking off my mask, I could tell the shock was evident on both our faces. It was like looking into my future, a carbon copy of myself stood in front of me. "You must be Antoinette?" She said, still looking me over curiously inspecting every part of me. "How...how is this possible?" She said dumbfounded taking my hands in hers. Her husband or so I supposed walked up behind her and upon seeing me the same shock covered his face. "Samael how is this possible...you said she was lying." She said, turning to face him. "It is impossible we have no family outside of France!" He said inspecting me now as well. "A...a bastard child maybe, there's no possible way." He said looking at my rich clothes. "How?" He asked the same thing that my "aunt" had asked many times before him. "Who are your parents Madame?" She questioned looking up and meeting my eyes. "Uh...Yvonne Charles and Denis Bryce Madame." I used my mother's maiden name, something she always went by even though legally she changed it to Bryce. But she had earned her fame in the ballet world with the name Charles so she kept it. "Charles...Yvonne, I had a late cousin named Yvonne." She responded quietly. "I lost my parents recently." I said calmly and quietly. "Oh, cherie my apologies." She responded, placing a hand on my cheek still studying my face. "You resemble me so much..." she observed with a smile. "Cherie we hope to see you again, we'd love to hear your story and you can board with us if you ever need somewhere to stay." She said, turning to look at her husband who nodded with a small smile. "Madame...excuse us." Madame Giry said as she walked over to me, she took my hand and led me away from my newfound family. "Madame Giry where are you taking me?" I asked as she stopped in her tracks near a darkened hallway. I knew what was happening, I could sense it before it even happened. From the shadows emerged the masked man, his white mask was replaced with a black mask that had intricately placed black feathers that covered the left side of his face. His suit was normal black, but his cape was covered in silky black swan feathers that had a green purple hue in the candle light. "Mademoiselle." He said quietly as he stopped in front of me. I felt entranced again just seeing him, he interested me once more. I felt there had to be something about him that could help me get home. "May I have this dance?" He asked, placing his hand in front of me. There was nothing I could do but nod as he took my hand in his and we walked out to join the vibrant ballroom.

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