The Beginning

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Opening my eyes, rubbing the drowsiness out of them, I notice I am in a cage with 4 males and 2 females, chained together in a empty room. Immediately I panic and scream, alerting a tall man in black who unlocks the door and come sto us.
Kicking the cage hard
"shut the fuck up you bitch" he said as he walked away. Tears prick my eyes as I look at the other people I am stuck with.

"Please can anyone tell me what the fucks going on"
They all look to me with the same pained expression an shock their heads confused aswell.

   Lights suddenly turn on blinding all of us as we heard footsteps approaching us. A tall blonde haired man with hazel eyes, pink lips and fully suited body appeared.

"Welcome, you all may wonder why you are here, and frankly I don't care to explain why. You'll know soon enough" he smirks and signals one of his men to open the cage. We all where unchained and rouchly pushed into sperate rooms.

  A red haired woman greeted me and ushered me to a makeup station. Looking into her eyes I beg for answers.

*Please miss I'm scared, please tell me what is happening* she only looks at me an continues to move around the makeup infront of me. Tears escape my eyes as I look down lost to everything.

She softly whispers "my dear, I am sorry this has happened to you but I can not say much, so listen an listen well. You are going to be sold, this is a organization that sells slaves off to who ever can afford them" she applies to the makeup on my face as I try to understand what exactly is going to happen to me.

Sighing to myself, my life is already a mess, it wasn't perfect but I had a plan. A plan to run away and find my way to make a better life, now that dream is slowly being taken from me.

   Shaking me of my thoughts, the lady guides me into a bathroom, telling me to  put on the clothes by the sink. Doing as I'm told just to get it over with, I begin to change, realizing the clothes I am to put on is a  white lingerie set with high knee-high stockings. Sighing I put it on and step out of the bathroom.

 The lady only looks at me with a sad smile, telling me I look very pretty an wishes me luck in what is to come. The room door opens and a man shuts at me to get out and stand in line.
I do as told thinking of how I can get out of this safely.

Standing in line, one of the men who was with me in the cage tries to fight off the guards only to get tazed to the floor and beaten. All plans of me running quickly left my mind.

We were chained to the ankle again and pushed to walk out through a door leading to a stage. As we stand I look around trying to find a exit or crawl space to hide, escaping seems so difficult when your chained to others.

My thoughts are stopped by the huge curtain infront of us raising. Spot lights blind me as I try to clear my vision, noticing an large group of people sitting in the audience all wearing expensive clothes and masks. Tears run down my face as I look around to my other chained mates, they to realizing there's no escape for us now.

  One by one numbers were called and one by one my mates were sold and taken offstage. Panicking more within myself, I am the last on the stage. The announcer tells everyone about me, my age my name and that i am now finished with school making me legal. Shock spread over my face as I wonder how they knew all of this about me."

We will start the bidding at 50 000" one by one members bid for my life, I cry but no one cares."Sold for 300 000"  was all I heard before being dragged of the stage. I was quickly chained by my wrists and ankles that connected to a collar around my neck. Being removed from the room and into a white van as they tie me down, blindfold and gag me, only feeling the movement of the van moving. I think to myself how will I survive this, I cry and decide to fight with everything I have, but I will have to be smart in escaping.

  The van travels for hours untill it stops and I hear doors opening and slamming shout, I panic scared to meet who or what is to come. Hearing the backdoor open, I try moving away only to be dragged out by my feet...

My first attempt to write
Doing this for fun 🤞😉
It will get better and darker so stay guessing pets🖤


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