Chapter 2

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Slumping over the desk, I waited patiently for the awkwardness to begin. Zack sat down trying to hide a smile, while I looked in the opposite direction.

"So, long time no see?" His question took me by surprise so I quickly blinked a couple times, trying to get my stupid brain to work.

"Um...yeah. I thought you moved away?"

"Yeah, yeah I did about 10 years ago. But I wanted to go to this college so me and Dad decided to move back to this old place."

"Oh right. How is Mr Anderson by the way? Haven't heard from him ever since he broke my moms heart." Mr face automatically tensed, as the memories of my pregnant mother crying on the night of the argument rushed through.

"For your kind information, Dad did nothing wrong. It was all a big misunderstanding. And you can stop with the attitude because it was 5 years ago, when we were both young. So stop blaming me for what happened and try to give this friendship another chance."

"I don't know if we can do this again. You were my best friend, Zack and my mother was hurt with whatever it was that your dad did."

"It's all in the past now, Yaz. I don't understand why we have to be involved in their business. Let it stay between them and let us start off with a clean slate." He put his hand out, waiting for mine to shake it. I gave him a quick smile and took my own hand out and shook his.

"Hi, my name is Zack Anderson, what's yours?" He said, with a slight smirk on his face.

I laughed gently. "Yasmin Andrews."

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