Chapter 6

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As me and Zack walked towards the cafe, I lost count of the amount of heads that turned towards us. Well not me. Him. He obviously enjoyed the attention so I just continued looking forward to try and find Lexi. She was sitting down, texting some random person on her phone - her social connections were endless. I tried to catch her attention but she didn't even turn around so I just sat directly in front of her, while Zack stood beside me. Finally Lexi looked up, so I gave her a quick smile and pointed my eyes towards Zack so she could get the hint.

"Heyyy, are you Zack? I've heard so much about you and wow - I mean - the people really weren't lying about what they were saying." She winked at him and gave him a friendly smile.

"Yep, I'm Zack and I just moved here today because I wanted to come to this amazing college. And the only person I know is your gorgeous friend Yasmin." He looked towards me and gave me a wink while I rolled my eyes at his flirtatious behaviour. Lexi looked towards both of us with a confused look but decided to ignore it.

"Anyways, what are you doing for your birthday Yaz?" Shit. It was my 18th birthday in a weeks time and I had forgotten all about it.

"Erm, I don't know I haven't decided anything yet. Is it really necessary to throw a party Lexi?" I cringed at the word party because I absolutely hated the idea of having nearly 100 drunk teenagers in my house.

"Well OF COURSE. It's not even a discussion. Let's go shopping I mean, it's not like you have anything better to do anyways." I rolled my eyes. "You coming, Zack?"

"Sure. I'd love to see you girls dress up cute." He winked towards the both of us and gave us a smirk.

After the long drive to the shopping centre, we finally arrived and started making our way towards the biggest clothing shop in order to look for an outfit for both me and Lexi. She picked out this beautiful, red dress for me and I picked out a gorgeous white one for her. I purposely took my time as I could see Zack was getting fed up of us picking and trying out different dresses but he eventually left the shop to go and look for some tracksuits or something.

I called his phone to tell him we were done but for some reason that boy wasn't picking up. *ring ring*. I rung three times and he didn't pick up so I started to get a bit worried and started looking around. Lexi was paying for her outfit so I wasn't too worried about that and I continued to walk around looking for Zack.

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