Chapter 5

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Ping. One text message from Lexi.

I clicked the message to expect her to be screaming at me for being late but she was being reasonable. 'Come down to the cafe after Biology. I've got some tea to spill🤪.'
I was guessing it was to do with some kind of boy matter so I just called her while Zack stood beside me, walking me down to the cafe since he knew no one else. She picked up on the second ring.

"What's the tea, Lexi?"


She screamed so loudly I thought my eardrums were genuinely going to break.

"What do you mean 'new hot boy'? What's his name then? Have you seen him yet?"

Even though she had a boyfriend, she loved the idea of seeing attractive people around our school. I don't know what goes through that girls mind because that explanation literally didn't make sense. And also because she had a boyfriend. I didn't particularly like her boyfriend - she also knew this btw - but he was still her boyfriend at the end of the day.

"His names Zayn or Zeus or something like that. And yes I've seen him and he is so hot. Like hotter than any boy that goes here."

I instantly knew who she was talking about and just closed my eyes and sighed. Looking towards my right, I could see the smirk appear on Zack's face as he turned towards me. He could clearly hear Lexi's screaming.

"Lexi, is his name Zack?"

"YES, that's what it was! How did you know? Have you met him? IS HE HOT IN PERSON TOO? Someone took a picture of him and sent it to me and that's how I saw him. SPILL ALL THE TEA YAS. I turned to Zack to see him chuckling, clearly smug about the fact that he was rated as the 'hottest boy in college'.

"Don't you remember that annoying brat that I used to be friends with around five years ago?" Emphasising on the 'annoying', his mouth dropped open and snapped shut instantly.

"Ohhh, the one you had a crush on? And you used to go round his house like everyday to 'play' or whatever?" I could hear the cheeky smile through the phone. And I could see Zack burst into laughter out of the corner of my eye. I was going to KILL this girl.

"I was not obsessed with him, Lexi. He was just a friend. Well anyways he's standing right next to me and your going to meet him in like three minutes so get ready for the embarrassment." I knew she wouldn't take any offence but I guess it was worth a short.

She snorted. "You really think I'm embarrassed Yas? Come on, you know me better than that. And you know that I will tell that boy he's pretty straight to his face. I'll see you in three minutes babes."

I could see the cafe from where we were walking so I cut the call and got ready to face my own embarrassment that was to come, not Lexi's.

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