Chapter 8

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Finally, I arrived at home and slowly sat on my bed, checking my phone.

Ping. 3 text messages from Lexi.

She had been dying for me to try on my dress and send her some pictures but I really could not be bothered at all. But I knew I probably had to do it sometime because otherwise she wouldn't stop bothering me about it, so I got up and slipped into my birthday outfit.

I looked beautiful.

There was no other way to describe it, no matter how cocky that sounded. It was a gorgeous red, long, silky dress with sequins towards the end of it and had a long, elegant train towards the back, shaping my figure amazingly. I quickly took a couple pictures and sent them to her, waiting for a response while I closed my eyes. Images of Zack popped in my head with his cute smile of embarrassment and it made me smile too. And then suddenly, pictures of him filled my head and I opened my eyes abruptly, confused about what I was doing. I had a boyfriend - why was I thinking of another man? I couldn't have had feelings already it had only been a couple days since he'd been here. So what was this weird feeling?

Ping. One text message from Zack.

'Oh, you look stunning bby;)'. He texted.

Staring at my phone in disbelief, I tried to recollect what had happened in the last 2 minutes that I had so stupidly done for this to happen. ARGHHHHHH, WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?!? Blushing, I quickly deleted the pictures and sent him a text message : 'That wasn't meant for you, sorry. Can you delete it off your phone please?'

Ping. One text message from Zack.

'Now why would I want to delete such a gorgeous picture from my phone?' He texted.

I quickly texted him back : 'Pleasssssee Zack, I'm begging you just delete that picture. I promise I'll never ever EVER do anything bad to you, tease you or whatever just PLEASE DELETE IT.'

Ping. One text message from Zack.

'Hmmmm. That's a very tempting deal to make with you. BUT. Because I do not trust your word at all, I'm keeping these pictures in my private folder so no one can see them except me:) Just in case you turn your word on me, I'm sure you understand of course x'

This boy was getting on my nerves now. I knew he wouldn't delete it as he was always stubborn, even as a child, so I decided to leave his message on seen and try to fall back to sleep again.

Ping. One text message from Lexi.

'YOU LOOK LIKE A ******* MODEL, YAS😍😍😍😍😍😍'. She texted.

I smiled at her text and closed my eyes again, waiting for sleep to come, while I was trying to forget about him.

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