Chapter 7

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That's when I saw him, standing in a queue to Starbucks where he was literally ON HIS PHONE. I couldn't believe that this stupid idiot wasn't picking up any of my calls and I was the one that was getting worried for him. Rushing towards him, I didn't realise that someone had spilled some coffee on the floor (probably because of the rage that was overtaking me) and I fell flat on my non-existent ass. Everyone turned to look towards me, including Zack, and I quickly got back on my feet before everyone in the entire shopping centre had a chance to laugh at me. I gave him the dirtiest look I've probably given anyone in my entire life and turned to walk in the opposite direction. He called my name several times but I continued to run off until I found Lexi, who was sitting on a bench outside the shop we were originally in.

"C'mon Lexi, lets go." She looked up from her phone with a confused look on her face and moved her head to look at Zack.

"What the hell have you done now?"

"I didn't do anything. I was literally standing in a queue to get a coffee and I turned around and she was sitting on the floor. In someone else's coffee." He started to laugh and I shot him a fierce look and he instantly closed his mouth.

"I called this stupid tramp 6 times and he wasn't picking up his phone, so I thought he was in trouble or something so I went looking for him. Turns out he was ON HIS PHONE the entire time and was ignoring my calls." I turned towards Lexi so she could make a reasonable judgment and take my side obviously.

"Huh? I didn't get any phone calls." He checked his phone and held it out for me to see his call log. There was no missed phone calls. "I don't know who you're calling but it's definitely not me."

I checked my phone and read his number out loud, emphasising on each and every letter carefully.

"See, it wasn't my fault, you just wrote down the wrong number." He said, with a smile on his face.

Lexi smiled at the both of us, like someone smiling at an adorable puppy. "You two are honestly the cutest little people ever. If you're both done with the flirting then can we go home now?"

Me and Zack both looked at each other and looked down instantly. From the corner of my eye, I saw him blushing in embarrassment. I smiled in satisfaction.

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