call me crazy

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"Boss where's my son?" Dynasty asked not worried about anything else. That night she laid in bed with blood all over her clothes and cried herself to sleep as she pictured the nights events reoccurring. Reaper was her Weakness and her strength she didn't know if she could trust anyone no to tell. The next day she stood in bed the detectives called and asked if she thought Reaper had anything to do with it. Her heart dropped as she pictured Reaper going away for the rest of his life. She knew she could get in trouble for lying to the police but the loyalty she had for him was rare. Although she was on bad terms with him he was her everything.

" No I haven't seen him in months he's somewhere in Atlanta with his girl friend." She told the detective.

"So you haven't seen him at all" detective Martinez asked.

"Man look I already told yo ass I have no clue where the fuck he is. Fuck go ask his people or someone else. I'm pregnant and I will not be stressing over you all calling me. Do your fucking job I'm a victim here and your pointing the fingers my way. You asking me if the only person I was safe with would do thing. No he wouldn't put me in harms way. My boyfriend is in the hospital with bullets in him. Do your fucking job cause I'm not" Dynasty knew she had to make is believable so she started to cry.

"When do you get off parole cause the house your living in has in has Mr. Tapia's name on the lease."

"You think that's scares me? I get off parole in two days. Now you're threatening my freedom? Bitch don't' call my phone no fucking more I don't give a fuck who or what you calling about!" Dynasty calming said and hung up.

She knew she had to telling Reaper what was going on but she couldn't do it off her phone. She didn't know if the cops tapped in to her phone or not so she wasn't taking any chances.

She used the trap phone to call Reaper she couldn't let her childs father go to jail for defending her. No matter how much they disliked each other at the moment he was still the father of both her sons if he knew it or not. As she sat there her aunt Stella and cousin Lali both knew she was about to do some off the wall shit. She thought for a second and called Queen.

"Bae the detectives just asked me if I thought Reaper had anything to do with it. Alguien esta hablando con ellos." (some one's talking to them.) At this point she knew she had to play this role on her own. She was the only one smart enough to get Reaper out this jam as always. De'Fynest video called her every day to see what she was doing. She knew he didn't trust her but hell she didn't trust him either so she played her part. She knew how to get in a person's head she was always a step ahead of the next person. In these streets you had to be a shark or you wouldn't survive and she knew that. She had away of making the hardest soft for her. Dynasty made a man feel like he was blessed with her even when she was there demise. They never seen it coming because she made them feel like they where the only one in the world that mattered to her. At this point it was about her children and that's all that mattered to her.

"What you been up to today? Where you going?" De'FYnest asked her as he sat in the hospital bed.

" I'm taking the kids to my mom's." She lied.

"I'll call you after I drop them off." She hung up with out hearing his response

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