Untitled Part 16

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With that being sad the doctor knew he had no other choice but to speak to Reaper despite the fact that he had threatened him a hundred times a hour. Reaper had to make all choices of what was to happen.

"Okay sir Dynasty is really six months pregnant almost seven now the baby his having a hard time breathing in her womb because the blood. If anything goes wrong we won't have enough time to save both her and the child. So we want to perform an early c section to save to child. Would that be okay with you."

The news broke Reaper he felt like he was going throw history. As he sat on in the chair he spaced out remembering the night Dynasty told him the doctors told her to terminate her pregnancy when she was pregnant with their first baby Massiah.

They had been trying to get pregnant the whole time they were together the moment they break up she finds out she's pregnant with a baby boy. She was high risk from the start the doctors strongly suggested she terminate her pregnancy. They didn't know if her or the baby would survive the pregnancy. Reaper had picked her up from the hospital she sat in the car and didn't say a word till they were almost home.

"They want me to terminate the pregnancy. They said it's a strong possibility they me or the baby don't make it or both of us might die." Dynasty cried.

This was the hardest thing Reaper ever had to face but he couldn't see life with out Dynasty.

"Do what you gotta do Dy we can always have another baby. I cant live without you." As the words came out his mouth it broke him to have to choose between his unborn and the love of his life.

The words hurt Dynasty but she couldn't terminate her child's life to save her own it just wasn't in her.

"What? No Knowledge I won't kill our child to save my life. Baby this is what we wanted and tried so hard to have our whole relationship. This baby represents you and I this is a part of us. Look if I don't make it you promise me no matter what you'll make sure our son has everything we didn't as kids. Baby promise me no matter what happens you'll make sure he knows I loved him so much I gave my life for him and ill always watch over him. You better let him know all about me the good and the bad Knowledge." Dynasty begged and cried to Reaper.

As he put his head down he couldn't stop the tears from falling she just chose their child's life over her own life. He knew that was the right thing to do but deep down he would rather chose her. It may sound selfish to most people but he couldn't see life without waking up to her being there. He wanted to be mad at the fact that she didn't give him a option in the matter but he knew she would pick their child a hundred times and never think twice about it. As he sat there looking hurt in tears dynasty screamed at him to promise her.

"I PROMISE!" Reaper yelled jumping out the chair.

Coming back to reality once again he had to choose between a child and the woman he loved with everything in him. He knew he had to choose their unborn son because that's what she would do.

"Sir we need your response now before we lose them both." The doctor told Reaper.

"Do the C-section." He paused grabbing the doctor's hands.

"But save them both or we gotta problem." Reaper whispered just loud enough the doctor could hear him.

The way Reaper demanded for him to save both Dynasty and Zyon he knew if he didn't save both of them he would most likely die.

After sitting in the hospital for 12 hours with no words Reaper was ready to kill everyone in the world. As he looked around the room him and Boss caught eye contact. It was as if they read each other's minds they knew they had to get out of there. Standing up Reaper walked towards to door with Boss following.

"Where yall going without me?" Lex asked.

"Be back." Boss responded

"Fuck you mean. Man y'all got me fucked up onna Guys." Lex said grabbing her purse with her guns.

As they argued about Lex staying the doctor walked in the room.

"Sir you ready to see you're wife and child?" he asked.

It felt as if the world stopped when he said both wife and child.

"C'mon." was all Reaper could say.

As he approached the door his heart hurt he knew better than to put Dynasty in the middle of this while she was pregnant yet he did. Dynasty looked so weak and fragile with all the tubes running thru her mouth and nose and the I.V's. no one had ever seen her like this at such a week stage.

"Why is she not up?" Reaper asked.

"We got her in a medical coma." The doctor explained.

" She can wake up at anytime that was the only way we could save her at this point." He finished.

"Where's my son?" he asked.

"I'll have the nurse bring him right in." he doctor answered as he left the room.

The pain he was feeling seeing his wife laying in the hospital bed so helpless was deadly. He couldn't stand seeing her look so broken. The nurse brought the baby to Reaper as he started to cry. Wiping the tears from his face as he looked up at the nurse he knew he had to get his wife and child out of dodge.

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