Untitled Part 18

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"So bitch you think shit sweet?" Dynasty asked as she started beating Jessica's ass.

As they fought Jessica's friends tried to jump in the fight but both Temper and Faye pulled guns on them so they stopped.

"Yeah I know y'all bitches don't wanna die over this hoe." Faye said.

Dynasty flipped Jessica on her back and sat on her as she throw punches. Every punch landed on on Jessica's face. The guys on the block tried to separate the fight but Reaper wasn't for none of that. When Silent tried to grab Dynasty Reaper put the gun to his head.

"Nigga don't touch my bitch unless you wanna die." Reaper said meaning every bit of it. Killing his friend was something he would do with no hesitation about Dynasty. That was his girl and any one could die behind her.

"Bro yo ass tripping she gon make the block hot.' Silent calmly said.

"Nigga I aint trippin shit you know damn well touchin my bitch is disrespecting me. If she wanna make this bitch hot aint no motha fuckin body gon stop her fuck you mean." Reaper said standing in Silent's face.

"Get this bitch off my hair before I shot the hoe in her fuckin face." Dynasty demanded.

Before anyone could move she stood to her feet and started stomping on Jessica's face.

"You aint gon let my shit go bitch?" Dynasty laughed ass she picked Jessica up and body slammed her on the fire pump. As her body hit the pump you could hear her bones break. The pain caused her to scream out and let Dynasty's hair go.

Every one followed Reaper and Dynasty as they got in her powder pink Cadillac with her powder blue interior. Every one called her spoil she didn't know what color she wanted her truck so Reaper did both. They left Jessica laying on the ground no one felt bad for her. Everyone know what came with trying to sneak around and be in Reaper's face. If you got caught by Dynasty, Temper or Faye they were going to make you regret it. Sitting in the truck Dynasty was mad she wanted to check Reaper about the situation but they never argued in front of no one. No matter the situation to people on the outside looking in their relationship was perfect. She let the issue slide because she was thirsty to give Reaper his new gun.

As she handed him the box he looked surprise. When he open the box he seen it was a baby blue gun and under it was a envelope with a ultra sound picture in it that said Dynasty's name. as he looked at the ultra sound picture he got mad at him self for letting her fight.

"If I could beat yo ass right now I would. Don't ever do no stupid shit like that again. Don't put my son in danger over no motha fuckin body." He said as he rubbed her stomach knowing he was going to have a son soon.

The next day they were on the block when Jessica's mother pulled up to her house as she sent Jessica in the house every one seen she was wearing a back brace.

Jessica's mother crossed the street towards Dynasty and Faye. As she started to scream at Dynasty every body on the block got quit. The screaming caught Reaper and Silent's attention causing them to run throw the gang way to Dynasty.

"Bitch fight me the way you fought my daughter." She screamed in Dynasty's face.

"Yo you causing a scene Ebony and you gon be embarrassed." Dynasty said with all the calmness in the world.

"Ohh really bitch." Ebony said as she pulled Dynasty causing Temper and Faye to start pinching and stomping on her.

The noise cause Bonnie to come out side the house.

"What the fucks goin on." Bonnie yelled as Reaper and Silent came out the gang way.

"Bitch put her hands on me and they beating her ass." Dynasty answered.

Temper and Faye finished beating on Ebony as Bonnie approached.

"So You put you hands on my child while she's pregnant with my grandchild?" Bonnie asked as she grabbed Ebony by the throat. 

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