Chapter 2

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                                                                                       Bens POV

From a distance just looked like a white stick but upon closer inspection you would see that it was a pregnancy test. I flipped it over to see two little lines, I was shocked to say the least. I was happy but also questioned why she didn't tell me so I put it down in the drawer and left to find her. I was gonna wait till she told me, I was pretty happy that I was gonna be a father, but how would my parents react how would Mals dad react? I just kept my thoughts to myself when I got a text from Mal

From Mal to Ben. Ben I need to talk to you

From Ben to Mal. Sure whatever you need. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?

From Mal to Ben. Yea the garden.

From Ben to Mal. Ok, see you in 10

I walked outside and headed over to Mals favorite part of the garden. It had a small stone bench surrounded by roses. When I got there I saw Mal sitting there, her eyes to the ground. She had a little blue box in her hands. She looked up at me and slightly smiled, I sat down next to her and asked her if something was wrong. She said sorta, she handed me the box and looked away. I opened it to find the test that was in her drawer. I put it down and gave Mal a big hug, she asked if I was mad. Mad how could I be mad at you, I'm not mad I'm happy. She asked what we should do now, I said that we should probably tell my parents and her Dad (maleficent has been out of the picture for quite some time now) she agreed and said she'd schedule an appointment before we told them. I told her I had a Concil meeting tomorrow and that I wouldn't be able to come with her and asked if she needed me because I would cancel if she needed me to. She said she would be alright on her own plus she had Evie and Uma if needed anything. We walked together back to our bedroom and sat and talked more, mostly about the future and everything that is gonna come with this new change in our lives. After a while my mother came in to tell me and Mal that dinner was ready for us. We came downstairs to see my parents waiting for us, Mal took a seat and I did next to her. We all ate and talked but Mal still seemed a bit off, not like herself, but before I could say anything Mrs Potts brought out dessert. It was cheesecake with raspberry sauce, one of my personal favorites. I was eating when from the corner of my eye I noticed that Mal took one bite and excused herself, walking fast in the opposite direction. We all kinda looked at each other, what was going on? My mom spoke after what felt like an eternity of silence, I'll go check on her.

                                                                                      Mal's POV

I took one bite of that cheesecake and I felt sick, i love cheesecake so I didn't quite understand why I felt so bad. I quickly excused myself and walked down the hall into the bathroom and pretty much slammed the door shut. I slid my back against the wall down to the floor and just sat there, I felt my eyes flash bright green just like they do whenever I'm angry, stressed or really focused. I still felt sick so I just buried my head in my hands and sat there, suddenly I felt someone else there with me stroking my hair and rubbing my back. I assumed it was Ben but to my surprise I looked up to see Belle. I leaned my head onto her shoulder and started to feel a little better. She asked me if I was alright and I said a lot better now. We kinda just started talking for a bit, then there was a knock on the door which I again thought was Ben but was none other than beast, but Ben was right behind him. They both asked me if I was alright, I gave a slight smile and said I was alright. Belle helped me to my feet and I walked over to Ben, he wrapped me up in his arms. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back before we walked back to the table. I pushed back the dessert, there was no way I was eating that again. After that we all kinda parted for the night. I told Beast and Belle goodnight, and me and Ben went upstairs to watch a movie. I love musicals so I picked the greatest showman, Ben sarcastically said again? What can I say, I like this movie. We sat down on the couch in his room next to each other. When the movie was over we just decided to go to bed because it was already kinda late, Ben said he would be back in a moment I said ok. Then something strange happened, suddenly I was back on the isle. I was in what looked like my old room but way darker and almost dirtier. My mother was there, but I didn't even think of her as my mother anymore. How come she wasnt a lizard anymore? 

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