Chapter 6

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No one POV

Mal pondered, what did he mean by sis? She continued her thought when she was hit with a wave of flashbacks.

Mal was sitting alone outside with a tiny baby boy. Holding him close she sat comforting Her little brother. She wasn't supposed to be with him but she had compassion for him. She only had one thing to do, find him a home, because he wasn't welcome here. Maleficent didn't want him, he was a spitting image of their father. Maleficent had thrown him on the streets to die but Mal couldn't let that happen to him. She had one person that could take care of him, it was a long shot but the young girl had to try. Six year old Mal walked with the baby in her jacket across the isle. She arrived at the lair and let herself in, she knew how to pick locks. No one was home at the time so she laid the little baby on the small couch with a note and one of her favorite toys she had made. Her mother didn't let Mal have toys because they made her "weak". She hurried away back to her mother where she was miserable for the next ten years.

Mal came to and said your the little baby, aren't you? The boy nodded at her. He handed her the note and the doll. You kept this stuff for all these years she asked. He nodded and said he was waiting to find the girl who saved him as a baby. She was shocked to say the least, she then said I've missed you too. I'm Hadie by the way, I already know your Mal of course. She asked if the boy had a home and he stared at the ground, no I don't I ran away to find you and haven't found a place since. She led the boy by his hand back to jay and explained everything. They took the boy to the hideout and wondered what she should do. Mal didn't tell Ben she was here so how could she explain herself? She sat with hadie and told him everything about her life then she asked about his. Hadie explained his life and what led him to run away. They told Hadie that they would be back for him and just to wait it out and not to worry. They left and Mal went inside the castle, she hugged Ben really close and didn't say a word. She walked upstairs to the tallest point in one of the towers, where it opened up and where she battled Audrey. She sat just her and her babies, alone. All she could do was think about the boy from the isle. 

~time skip of two weeks brought to you by my brother screaming when he found out I was adding Hadie to this story~

Mals POV

Evie and my friends had set up a baby shower for me, I was very grateful even though I didn't really wanna go. It's not that I was grateful for my friends event it was just that I couldn't stop thinking about the boy from the isle, and I also wasn't sleeping well because of it (and the triplets weren't that easy to manage). I sucked it up anyway and got ready for the baby shower. I put on a soft violet dress and a flower crown. Ben was going to meet me there because he had to pick something up. Evie set everything up at the enchanted lake, Belle took me there. I arrived and everyone clapped for me and congratulated me. Ben was there waiting for me and held my hand and led me through the party. Dizzy and Celia made a "special" seat for me (they just wanted to help plan something so Evie let them do that) and I sat down. Dizzy and Celia, wanting to be helpful, brought me something to eat. They handed me a purple plate with a handful of strawberries and a cupcake. I appreciated the help, Dizzy and Celia really liked being little helpers which was nice. We had a projector that showed pictures of Ben as a baby then Me as one as well. (I have no idea how anyone got those photos) then it was time to announce the names for the babies (I hadn't yet so everyone wanted to know) Ben said the name for the boy, which we decided on Kai. Then I announced the names for the girls, which we decided on Blair and Rori. Everyone cheered and came up to us to tell us how much they loved the names. We laughed talked and overall had a good time for a bit. After that it was time to open gifts (there were so many because each of the rulers in auradon sent in a gift on top of all the ones our friends gave us. After a while of opening gifts (just the ones from the people who were there) I came to the gifts from Evie, Jay, and Carlos. I opened Carlos' gift first, it was a photo of all of our favorite places on the isle and little memories with it. When he busted a hole in the barrier over a year ago he put what was left of his little gadget that did that with a photo of the treehouse. There were quite a few memories there, I gave him a hug and thanked him. Next I opened Jays, it was one of my old jackets from when I was little, some of my old toys and all of the things we made together. He included pictures as well of us together throughout our years on the isle. I loved it more than anything. I gave jay a really big hug, I honestly felt like crying because that meant so much to me. I know I'm welcome in auradon and I don't have to worry about messing up or not belonging but I missed the isle. I get that I could go back whenever I wanted but things weren't like they were before. Jay broke the hug and whispered to to and asked if I was ok. I said I would be alright, and thanked him for the gift. Next was Evies gift, I opened it to see three blankets she had made one with dragons one with castles and one with blue flames. They were beautiful, underneath those were three little onesies one made to look like a dragon and one like a beast and then one that mimics the isle style. I gave Evie a big hug and thanked her for everything. Most of the guests left shortly after and it was just me and out friends. I actually had a pretty good time and enjoyed most of the event. We talked and I brought up the isle, and asked if anyone missed the isle like the way it was when we were kids. Evie said sometimes, there were positives and negatives. Carlos said sorta because he didn't like being stuck at hell hall. I kinda just looked at the ground, guess I was the only one who missed it. Jay then said he missed it too, I looked up and smiled at him. I said I did but just the minutes where I was running free through the streets with jay. Those were some of my best memories, I just concluded that I was curious because I was thinking about showing the triplets the isle for most of their childhood so they could get a feel on what my life was like before auradon. Everyone agreed with me because we weren't going to erase out past. Ben packed everything into the limo (there was so much shit I could barely believe it) and we left. We got home and finished setting up the nursery, we stood back and admired out work. We had pretty much finished it all and I was really proud of our work. We walked downstairs to grab something to drink, well Ben did and I was about to follow him I heard her again. But this time it wasn't just her voice, I could see her. 

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