Chapter 7

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Evie's POV

Mals close friends were all sitting outside a room including me, non of us knew what had happened. We waited there and no word of what was going on with Mal. I waited for what felt like hours but was probably only thirty minutes, when Ben came out. We all looked up at him and a few of us stood up, before he could say anything Mal popped her head out from beside him, except a lot shorter than normal. Yes Mal was pretty short but she was shorter than normal. Mal ended up just being in a wheel chair. Ben then explained that one of the triplets almost switched places with another, causing them to go near Mals ribs. That's what made Mal in pain because the triplets were all in the wrong places. It was mostly caused by the recent stress she was in. Mal was put on bed rest though, hence why she was in a wheelchair. Mal was not happy about all. Mal still wasn't 100% yet, I could tell something was on her mind. I borrowed her for a minute and once we were in an area away from the group I asked her what was wrong. She said everything was fine. I knew it wasn't, I knew Mal, she was my best friend of course and she read like a book. You can tell when something is up and I knew some was definitely up so I asked again and said she could tell me anything. She asked me not to tell Ben so I promised her. She then said she met her long lost brother on the isle. In my mind I was like wait what?? I blurted out, you have a brother? She nodded and said he couldn't find a place to stay...anywhere. She wanted to help him but Ben didn't know she was on the island. She said she found him while in the market, she never thought in a million years that she would have seen him again. I thought about what to say but in the end I just went with, we'll figure this out we just need some time. She gave me a hug and I kissed her. Not really in a romantic way but sorta we kissed it's not sus at all...we are just friends...seriously. Ben then took Mal home and all of us parted our own ways for the day.

Bens POV

Thankfully Mal was ok, but that didn't stop me from worrying about her. I could tell something was definitely on her mind. Multiple times she was pulled aside by people and she talked to them. I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't talk to me, I've always made it clear she could tell me anything, especially if it was bothering her. I still had no idea what was going on, I decided to talk to her on the way home. I asked her if something was bothering her, she didn't really answer, just kind of looked up at me and looked down again. I asked again but told her she could tell me anything. She asked if I would be mad at her, she didn't even look at me when she asked that. I assured her I wouldn't be mad at her, she took a deep breath and started to talk. Here's how I remember it go

"So when I went to jays a few weeks ago, I really didn't go to house house. We went to the isle together. Hence why I wouldn't shut up about the island, I missed it a lot, and I would never be able to experience it like I used to. Once we were there we did the things we used to do, running around through the streets and things like that, just like we used to do. Well right before we left I was in a market with jay when I noticed someone in the crowd. He looked so familiar it was insane. So I walked over to him only to find out he is my long last brother that my mother abandoned ten years ago. Now he has no place to stay and I have no idea how to help him"

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know Mal went to the isle but that was the least of my concerns. I asked if he was still there, she nodded. Then I asked if he had a home now, she said no. I turned the car around and headed for the isle, I was not letting this kid suffer any longer. She asked what I was doing and I said were picking up your brother. She smiled at me as we drove down the bridge. We arrived and we got out of the limo. Mal insisted on walking so I just let her. We walked all over the isle before seeing a bright blue haired boy along with another boy with teal hair. We walked over to them and Hadie hugged Mal. She introduced me and we said hello, I offered Hadie a place to stay in auradon and he jumped up and down. He was pretty excited, he turned around to the other boy talked to him for a minute gave him a hug and left with us. When we came home we let him stay in a guest room and would find a better place for him soon. He was happier than ever to receive a place in auradon. It made me and Mal very happy to see him be excited by all the things in auradon. Mal wanted to go on a walk for a bit, to reconnect with the world and help with her anxiety and stress. We walked outside together and just strolled around the garden talking. Mal told me she still didn't know how she was going to manage three kids at 18. I stopped her sentence and told her she wasn't alone and we would get through everything together. She stopped dead in her tracks and just stared off, I gathered that she probably was being spoken to by Maleficent...again. This was getting really aggravating, Mal had been through enough why did Maleficent continue to torment her daughter?? I guided her to a nearby bench, and waited for her to come back. I tried everything but nothing. She came to again, pure fear in her eyes. I hugged her and told her everything was fine. I didn't want her to worry to much or stress herself out with this. She's just trying to get the better of you, don't let her get that. I led Mal back inside and to our room. I grabbed her art supplies so she would have something to do while I grabbed her something to eat for dinner. I brought it to her and then made something for Hadie. He happily ate then I showed him how to use the tv and let him enjoy that. I came back to Mal and sat down, she was on her phone and so was I. It got a little later and I put on a movie and we both fell asleep. The next day we spent it showing Hadie the kingdom and everything there was to see. He enjoyed it and so did me and Mal. It was nice having the kid around, he was mesmerized by everything here. It was really wholesome so we just spoiled him with all auradon had to offer. One thing he did was return to the isle at the same time everyday. Probably to visit that other boy we saw with him. I wasn't sure but I never questioned, and neither did Mal. We let Hadie settle in and he seemed to be having the time of his life.

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