Chapter 10

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No ones POV

Mal, being held in the air above her friends with Maleficent's magic, was terrified and almost hopeless. "This is it" she thought, "unless some miracle happens, its game over". Mal was brought across the room by Maleficent to a chamber. Just when Maleficent was about to lower Mal to put her in the cage Hades makes a dramatic entrance with Dude right behind him. "Let go of my daughter" he yelled. Maleficent cackled and said "as if". Carlos then said to Dude "I told you to stay". Dude let put a nervous laugh and said "yea about that". Ben quickly passed the ember to him and Hades took it in his hand. Hades blasted Maleficent causing her to drop her staff, making Mal fall. Ben ran as fast as possible to get underneath her to catch her. Ben caught her, but the force of the fall knocked them both to the ground. They were both fine but the battle was no where near done. Hades and Maleficent battled it off while the rest of them handled the other villains. Jane using the wand, Uma using her shell, and Mal using her dragon magic. They were able to hold them back but now needed to strike them and defeat them. Uma used her shell to take care of Jafar, causing him to fall backwards and ultimately back off. Jane used the wand to blast off cruella, making her hair frizz and her fur coat fall of. She shrieked and ran to get her coat and fix her hair. Not long after Mal was able to push the evil queen back and smeared the makeup on her face. She gasped and ran to fix the makeup. 3 down, one to go. It was all up to Hades now, Hades didn't wanna hurt Maleficent. That was who he was, but he had to, to defeat her. Everyone was behind him waiting because all of the other villains were taken care of. Hades took one deep breath and blasted Maleficent. She fell backwards and as she did her staff shot out one final blast and it hit Mal. Causing Mal to fall, everyone running to her side not long after. She picked herself up and made sure the villains were done. Then Maleficent sprang up, but Dude lunged at her. She shrieked and said "get off of me!" Dude knocked her down then Hades was about to put them in the cage so the authorities could come and get them. Mal let out a shriek in pain, all of them asking what was wrong. She didn't say a word, just curled herself up, Ben had a realization while the rest of them sat confused. Ben picked Mal up and took her outside. Then it sank in and they ran after Ben. As all of the villains were on the ground picking themselves up, they watched them leave the auditorium.

Mals POV

I saw my Dad blast Maleficent one final time, then the staff made one final blast. If you don't already know the last blast is always the strongest, but it flew out and hit me. I hit the ground, the force causing my water to break. Shit! This couldn't be happening now, they weren't due for like another 6 weeks. I picked myself up and continued, we almost finished everything and were about to put the villains in the cage, when I couldn't take the pain and I shrieked. Everyone turned to me and asked what was wrong, I couldn't speak I just sat on the floor. I felt a pair of arms pick me up and take me out of the door, then I heard it open again and a bunch of footsteps follow us. Then my Dad taking me out of Bens arms, giving Ben instructions then running. It took me a minute to comprehend everything but that wasn't my main concern anyway. My dad practically threw me and my friends into the limo. Ben held my hand and Evie drew circles on my back, trying to keep me calm. It wasn't entirely working, I was freaking out. My head was spinning, everything was going so fast yet so slow and everything hurt. I shut my eyes and just listened to everyone's voice. It calmed me a little and I opened my eyes. Everyone was staring at me, didn't really know what I was expecting in the first place but whatever. It was kinda tight in the back of the limo cuz there were all my friends in there but I just dealt with it. I tried to look as tough as possible in front of my friends but it clearly wasn't working so I just dropped the act. I didn't think they would notice but they did, occasionally someone would say something to me to coach me through the pain. It was mainly Ben Evie and Audrey. My dad didn't speak other than to me, he just drove as fast as he possibly could. It honestly felt like hours, it was probably only thirty minutes but over the course of that the pain got worse and worse. I winced a little, everyone looked back at me. Ben put my hand in both of his, then he told me to just breath and try to relax. I just listened to his voice because it was really soothing. We arrived at a "hospital". What I mean by that is that it is technically a hospital but it's one that's smaller and for royals to provide maximum privacy and security. They had a stretcher outside waiting for me already. Everyone got out and my dad scooped me me up out of the car. He put me down on the stretcher and they brought me inside and again everything felt so fast and slow. Peoples faces became like blurs until they brought me into a room. I switched my clothes from my leggings and shirt to a light blue silk like robe. They hooked me up to a few different machines and things. I honestly had no idea what they were doing, but everyone left the room other than my dad and Ben.

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