Chapter 4

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Sorry this chapter is shorter than the rest, I had been busy with school and ran out of more ideas for this chapter.

Mals POV 

Evie took one peek at the envelope and her eyes almost lit up, like she looked super surprised. I didn't really get that because there was only two options a boy or a girl so how could she have been THAT surprised. I got up and walked to the car with Evie and she looked like she was about to burst like yes this was exciting but she was as excited as she could get. I got in the car and she stood outside to order the confetti thingies because she wanted to make sure I wasn't peeking. She got back in the car and when we got back to the castle all of our friends were there and they had decorated the garden for me, it was so sweet. Audrey and Uma grabbed both my hands and led me through the garden to the spot where they had everything set up. They even made a sash that said "mommy to be" like it was kind of tacky but my friends did this for me so I couldn't be happier. Evie left to get the confetti while the rest of us just sat and talked, everyone now making bets on the gender. We had two sheets of paper with boy or girl written at the top and if u signed the right one you would get some kind of prize. Evie returned with a box with the confetti launchers inside so everyone made there bets on the gender. I was so excited to find out and I could tell Ben was as well. Evie opened the box but instead of one launcher there were three, wait a minute did this there was no way that meant what I was thinking. Ben gave me an equally questioning look. Evie just said to pop the confetti so I picked up one, twisted it and out came purple confetti. Then Ben did another one and out came blue confetti. Then we did the last one together and purple confetti came out. Wait does this mean...where having triplets?? Ben and I said in unison. Before anyone said a word Evie started to pass around a small photo and everyone had seen it when it came to me and Ben. We looked at it and looked back up at everyone, sooo that would be a yes...? Everyone nodded at us, Ben and I just looked at each other and smiled. We gave each other a really big hug that lasted a few minutes. Everyone joined in after that and we both announced how excited we were. We ate and then most people left except our friends, they all pitched in names for the babies. People teamed up to put in names so it was the couples.

Evie and Doug: for the girls, Charlotte and Amelia, for the boy Blake 

Uma and Audrey: for the girls, emery and star, for the boy Rey 

Jay and Lonnie: for the girls, Chloe and Blair, for the boy Adrian

Carlos and Jane: for the girls, Cali and Zoe, for the boy Max

Harry and Gil: for the girls, Rori and Alyssa, for the boy Kai

I looked over the names and saw a lot I liked. I told everyone that the names were lovely and me and Ben would look them over to pick soon. Everyone shortly after said their goodbyes and left. It never really set in that I was having triplets till later when I was looking at the names with Ben. I looked up at Ben and asked how we were going to take care of three kids, we were only 18. He looked at me and said that we would figure it out together, and we had people to help us and that we weren't alone. He sorta convinced me but I was still anxious, but at the same time very excited. All of the girls were planning out a baby shower, I wasn't to big on events and things but I sucked it up because it meant a lot to some people. I had a lot of photos from earlier so I posted them, in the caption I put the news and explained how excited I was. Sure enough comments and likes came flooding in. Shortly after it was even on the news, go figure, I didn't like a ton of attention but I was the queen and should expect this kind of attention. Me and Ben went to the kitchen just to sit down and talk and brainstorm names and themes for the babies room. There was a note on a counter from the castle staff that said congratulations to me and Ben. We smiled grabbed some dessert, which was chocolate covered strawberries. We ate them and went upstairs, I was pretty exhausted and so was Ben so we changed and went to sleep.

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