Chapter 11

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Bens POV

The sky was entirely full of green smoke. Mal started saying no repeatedly then said it was her mom and we needed to get to the hospital now. Mal said there was no chance we'd make it by car she had to do a dragon fly-over. I told her she couldn't do that, she hadn't regained all of her strength yet it was way to risky. I really didn't want her to risk her health, but I also wanted to make sure our kids were safe. She looked me dead in the eyes and said she had too she had no choice. I nodded and got in the car and backed up, I watched her take her form and fly off. I sped as fast as I could and called our crew, we needed them. Apparently they were awake as well and saw the smoke. It was probably around four in the morning, I was almost there I could see the building and Mal flying above it. A glowing beam struck her and she drifted towards the ground. She went back human and ran inside, I got out and went inside behind her. We ran down the hall into the room where the triplets were at. Only one thing two were there and one was missing. Kai and Rori were fast asleep but Blair was no where in sight. I started to panic and so did Mal, she pulled out her phone and called Evie. She told Evie to get her mirror and find Blair. She walked outside the room and told me to protect them and she was going to get the villains. I stopped her she wasn't ready yet I didn't want her to risk her own safety. That was when I noticed her entire right arm was red and swollen looking. I asked her what happened, she just said she was fine in a frustrated tone. She practically stormed out of the room and told me she's going to stop the villains. I couldn't follow her I had to stay with the triplets. I just let them sleep and I paced around the room waiting for everyone else. Rori started to get fussy so I picked her up and walked around with her. Jay Carlos Evie and the rest of the crew showed up shortly after, they asked where Mal was. I told them I had no idea and I had to stay with the triplets but there was only two, Maleficent had Blair. They freaked and said they had to find them, Gil stepped up and said he would stay with Kai and Rori. I carefully handed him Rori and thanked him. I told him where everything was if he needed it and left with the crew to find Mal. There was a forest surrounding auradon city, they had to be there. I could see some green smoke, I pointed it out to everyone else and they said let's go. Before we started running Hadie came up to us panting, like he had just run. He told us he couldn't find his dad anywhere, but he called him and left a message so hopefully he saw it and came. I told Hadie to come with us, we might need him because we didn't have Hades. He nodded and we all headed towards the smoke. As we got closer I could see Mal blasting Maleficent then falling back, getting up again and continuing. Evie called out her name but she just glanced our way and continued. We had to help her.

Evies POV

All of us ran towards Mal, she kept fighting maleficent no matter how many times she knocked her down. All the rest of us started to help her, doing whatever we could to stop her. The other villains probably weren't too far behind. Blair was up in a tree surrounded by a beam of Maleficent's magic. We tried to take the pressure of of Mal and fight Maleficent off ourselves, Mal was beat up I had no idea how long she was out here trying to get Blair back. She had twigs and tiny leaves stuck in her hair from falling on the ground, her clothes were dirty and her shirt was slightly torn. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hadie run out of the forest, where was he going? That thought didn't last long. We fought Maleficent until we thought we had her cornered and could stop her and get Blair, when she had back up. The other villains, as if this couldn't get any worse. Maleficent backed off while we fought off the other villains so she could regain her strength. The other villains were more of a diversion because they were easier to take off because they didn't have magic. All of us were pretty much tapped out of magic by the time we got done with them and were back to Maleficent. We tried as hard as we could to deafest her but we were all so tired and she had so much more strength. I could hear Mal talking she was right next to me "This is over. Were to late" Mal said as her face fell into her hands. I couldn't believe it Mal had given up, we really had no shot did we.

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