Chapter 8

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Jay's POV 

I looked at the rest of our friends and they looked just as shocked/scared as I was. I literally couldn't believe that they were standing right there. It was our parents, and they were not happy. How could you betray us they screamed. You were on the right track but you had to go on and be good! Our parents kept yelling. Then they all faced Mal, and you, you almost had the wand, you almost did it. But up you destroyed us, married a prince, and got pregnant with his child! They started walking toward her, yelling insults and other things at her. We all ran directly to her side and surrounded her to protect her. 

"There's no use running, we have you know. You will pay for the suffering you caused us by turning good. Mal your going to regret not helping us. You were so evil and were going to get to my level." Maleficent screamed at Mal. "Now that your good We can't use you anymore, but you still have my blood in you, and so will your children. I can use them and I will use them for evil. To take over auradon like you were supposed to!" Maleficent continued to say over and over while approaching Mal.

Then Maleficent raised her arm and Mal began to float upward in green smoke. She began to say some spell or something I have no idea. I'm guessing Mal knew what she was saying so she screamed no. Then the pirates showed up. (aka Uma, Harry, and Gil) They were in pirates bay, which they hung around a lot. Uma screamed for Maleficent to put her down. When she didn't Uma used the shell against Maleficent, it wasn't working. Maleficent was almost done with the spell when Hades showed up. I was glad a lot of people we needed were in the area at least. When Maleficent saw Hades she stopped in her tracks, she yelled at him asking what he was doing there. He said saving his daughter from her, he blasted her. She then faces Hades and started to attack him. Mal started to come back down an out of green smoke. Thankfully she didn't finish whatever spell she was trying to do. Mal returned to the ground while we watched Hades and Maleficent battle. It got pretty intense but we all knew that Hades was stronger. Mal looked terrified, I can only imagine what she was feeling. If I knew my mother then maybe I would be able to but Mals parents were right on front of her fighting with magic and she had no idea who would win. Evie was next to her holding her and trying to keep her distracted from the fight. She just turned her around away from the fight and just talked to her. Me and Carlos were in front of them prepared to take any attacks and hold them off of Mal. Eventually Hades blasted Maleficent and she backed off, but before going said that she would be back for Mal and her babies. Hades pushed her away from Mal, picked up his daughter and headed back to auradon. We followed behind him, at this point Mal was crying so we asked Evie what had happened. She said that Mal was scared of her mother and the fight brought back memories of her mom and Hades fighting when she was young. We all felt terrible for her, she had been through enough. Once we were back Mal ran to Ben, as usual. Ben pulled her aside and I would assume calmed her down and whatever. He left with her while we waited. He returned without her and said she was upstairs sleeping. We then asked Evie everything. She said Maleficent was trying to put a spell to make the babies intentions as they grow up to be evil. She never finished the spell but still don't know how it's gonna affect. After a bit of talking everyone kinda understood what had just happened. Everyone who was on the isle (minus our parents) was here in the room talking, except for Hades, he didn't all. We asked him why he was so quiet and he just said he felt bad, he could tell he upset Mal. Mal wasn't upset with him she was just upset over the fight and didn't want Hades to get hurt (which he was immortal so he couldn't really get hurt) or anyone else. Then we realized he wasn't talking about the fight that just happened, he meant the ones when Mal was little. We told him not to worry to much, it wasn't his fault. Maleficent was an evil lunatic/bitch he couldn't stop that, and it was in the past now. We were talking safety measures over for Mal until the triplets were born so Maleficent would have no access to Mal. We started to finish up when Mal walked through the door. Hades looked up at her and said, there's my pretty girl. Everyone else looked up at Mal and motioned her to sit. She rubbed her eyes and asked what everyone was still doing here. We all answered with just talking, she sat down next to Hades and we continued to talk, but changed the subject. She laid her head on hades and yawned. Mal had been through enough we didn't wanna take any chances in scaring her. One thing I knew but I didn't say is our parents said they would be back. Except we didn't know when. So until they striked again we would have to wait every minute of every day waiting. Ben had an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss safety measures now that the villains had been spotted. Mals location was disclosed to the public now because it was such high risk for everyone to know her whereabouts. Ben said she was going to have to stop making appearances on tv and not post on social media, at least until the triplets were born. We had no idea what to expect next so everyone's safety was main priority. Hades then picked up Mal and told her he had to go. She asked why when we saw Hadie in the doorway. Dad? Hadie questioned. Yes he replied slowly. Hadie asked what he was doing there. Hades said nothing just walked across the room kneeled and hugged Hadie. Hadie looked shocked but hugged him back. Where have you been Hades asked, why did you run away? Hadie didn't answer. Hades just said he had missed him, and he loved him and wanted him to come home. Hadie apologized, but hades just said he didn't need to he was just glad he was safe. Then he asked if he would come home. Hadie nodded while Ben and Mal went to help him grab his things. They came back downstairs with two small bags. Hades hugged Mal, and took Hadie home with him. Carlos ordered pizza, so we went ahead and ate. 

Happily ever after! Or is it?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora