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After a pure tickles battle, I looked at the hour and it was already 7 PM.
I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to rearrange my hair and begin to prepare myself before going out, while Eunwoo and Mingyu started to prepare everything for tonight.
7:30 PM, I finished putting all the things I needed in my bag and went into the living room to find Eunwoo and Mingyu.
" Guys, I'm going now, Jaehyun will be here soon"
- really like this sweatshirt, Mingyu said pointing me, wearing Jaehyun's sweathshirt once again.
- Yeah, it's comfortable, anyway, have a good evening !
- Thanks ! You too !! And don't forget to call us if something's happening to you !!, Eunwoo yelled from the kitchen.
- Don't worry !! I'll be fine !! I said, putting on the sweatshirt's hood on my head while closing the door behind me.
As I walked down the city, I was admiring the luminous building, it was a beautiful sight, all the lights, the reflection of the car's headlights on puddles. It was full of aesthetic vibes. I arrived in a darker street but I was still enjoying the sight until I started to hear some footsteps sounds behind me.
"HEY !! YOU BITCH !!", a girl's voice yelled at me.
I stopped, and turned back, to see 4 girls looking up and down at me.
" You see ? She recognize herself by the word "Bitch" because that's what she is", one of these said, laughing like a freaking piglet with her friends.
- ...Excuse me but...who are you supposed to be to think you can insult me like this?, I said, trying to be polite and calm my nerves.
- You don't have to know us, but we know who you are, and we'll make sure you're gonna understand the lesson this time.
- And what lesson may I ask you ?
- For being friends with our oppas from NCT just for their popularity, you whore !!
- Ohhh I see !! Well...come at me...I'm waiting for you, I said, clenching my fists with a sadistic smile, ready to fight this bunch of turkeys feeling themselves to be allowed to insult me like this.

15 minutes later:

I quit the dark alley, where the girls group pushed me before, after they all ran away. I was bleeding a lot on the face but I made them understand that they shouldn't have tried to search problems with me. My nose was bleeding like the bottom of my lips and I had a few scratches on the face, the hand and my knees. My wound from the cutting hurt me again because one of the girls grabbed my wrist and scratched it with her nails. Seeing myself in the reflection of a shop's window, I decided to go back to my apartment, to clean my injuries, even if it means...seeing Jaehyun...
I finally reached my apartment's door and before opening it, I put on the hood of the sweatshirt, to make sure that no one would see my face. I slowly opened the door and immediately saw Mingyu coming to see who it was.
" Y/N ? You're already here ?"
- Hum...yeah...I'm tired and it started raining so I came back but don't worry, I'll be in my room, I answered, speeding up before going to the bathroom.
But Mingyu knows I was lying, he knows that something happened because he saw me limping a bit since one of my knees hurt me more than the other.
" Then why are you limping ?"
- I...I slipped on the stairs of the building...
- Y/N...why are you lying ? At least, look at me when I ask you something, he said while grabbing my wrist, making me turned around to face him. He immediately saw my scratched face and start panicking.
- But it's nothing ! I can assure you that-
- That's enough ! Go to the bathroom, I'm going to the parmacy to buy some bandages...Jaehyun's will take care of you...
- What about Eunwoo ?
- He had to go back to his dorm.
- Then I can disinfect my wounds myself !
- No ! Don't move from there and let him do it. And kind with him...
I said nothing and let him go. He was right...I should have called him...
Suddenly, I heard the bathroom's door opening...and I saw him...Jaehyun...
He seemed to be anxious, his eyes opened wide as he saw me. He closed the door behind him, grab some cotton and the disinfectant and come closer to me.
- hum...Mingyu told me to take care of you while he was going to-
- I know...
- ...So...hum...can you lift your head a little bit...please ?
I did it without saying nothing,and trying to avoid any eye contact with him, but I still wanted to, so I looked at him to see more details on his face.
He was very pale, with dark purple eyebags and anybody would be able to see that he had lost some weight...he looked really tired...and sad...I was feeling really bad, because...I know it's my fault if he's like this now...But I was happy to be here with him again...I missed him so much...I unconsciously started to tear up, making Jaehyun looking right into my eyes.
" Oh...I'm sorry...Does it burn too much ?"
-'s not's...nothing...
- ...what happened ?...
- ...well...I had a fight with a bunch of girls who wanted to "teach me a lesson" for being friend with you all just because you're idols...
- ...oh...
- but they ran away when they saw that I was taking advantage on them...
- ...
- ...And you ?
- ...what ?
- ...are you sure you're okay ?
As I asked him this, he kept looking at me, but I started to notice tears forming on the corner of his eyes.
- ...yeah...
- ...then why are you crying ?
- ...Y/N...I'm sorry...
- ...
- I...I read your letter...
- ...
- ...Was it true ?
- ...What ?
- Was it true that you loved me ?
I kept quiet...I didn't know what to answer... I still love you, you idiot
"Sorry...I shouldn't have asked you this..."
Suddenly, we both heard the entrance door clicking...Mingyu was already coling back
I saw Jaehyun starting to make his way out of the bathroom when I suddenly grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, making him coming back close to me...I didn't know what I was doing...
" Y/N ?"
We were really close to each other...I was grabbing his hands and looked at him...falling in love with him an umpteenth time...
"...Can you just stay here...with me...tonight ?"

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