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"You all look splendid!" Allura clapped happily. The five new Paladins would be lying if they disagreed, but they barely even processed what the princess had said as they continued to look at themselves and each other. "Are you ready for the next part?" The group quieted down, ceasing their movements and standing idly by in what nearly resembled a straight line. The Altean woman let her eyes graze them once more.

There they all stood. Rowan in black, Miles in blue, Lia in red, Finn in green, and Chayse in yellow. Her new Paladins. Even if the tiniest bit of sadness still touched her when she thought about what had been lost to get to this point... she had to admit that these greasy little humans looked badass in the armor (even if they refused to put on the helmets right now).

"I still think that black is your color," Lia huffed as she looked Miles up and down. They simply threw her a half-assed middle finger.

"Yet who said he was gonna be Blue Paladin?!" Chayse teased, playfully lunging for the other girl's arm. They both let out strangled shouts and Lia quickly lashed a hardened fist out which made resounding contact with the shorter one's chest. The Yellow Paladin immediately went to cradle her boobs out of instinct (this wouldn't be the first time Lia had tried to smack her tits off) and let out a small yelp. It took her a second to realize something was different. "Wait... it didn't hurt."

"So the armor works?" Finn inferred with a hint of surprise, looking down once again at the black bodysuit that covered their hands. It was odd, seeing themself and their friends in this armor stuff, but at the same time it felt natural. It was the exact same feeling as sitting in the cockpit of their Lion.

"Uhm, guys, maybe we should get back on topic," Rowan noted and gestured to Allura. She was still smiling with her hands clasped together, but a quick glance and they could all tell that she was very irked.

The four decided to listen to their new leader and looked to Allura attentively. She smile slowly turned genuine once again as she calmed down, and soon enough she was opening a drawer near the armory's door. She picked up five objects— two in one hand and three in the other— each being exactly identical in shape yet varying in color.

"Are those the—"

"Yes, these are the Bayards! You're quite lucky the Paladins previous did not have them on their persons when they disappeared, Voltron is not Voltron without its keys." The five looked on curiously, cluelessness plastered over their features as Allura handed out each of the handheld devices out to their respective Paladins. "Unlike your armor, these weapons are one of a kind, forged from the same comet that your Lions were. Loose them and you loose the war."

𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏  ,     v:ld [𝘋𝘐𝘚𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘜𝘌𝘋]Where stories live. Discover now