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As Billy and Aaron put some stuff in room eleven Wendy was getting ready.  She felt happy but knowing that she'd be doing a lockdown with her father was the best feeling she could have.  Zak was getting ready himself since his brush with death it kind of made him happy that he has his daughter back who also saved his life. He turned around and saw the necklace he'd be wearing since he got sick. 

Zak took a breath as a tear fell down his face.  A knock came to the door he opened the door and saw it was Aaron.  "You ready for this?".  "I just need your help with something"Zak stated.  Wendy was about to leave when her phone beeped meant a video message was playing.  She turned it on and it was Zak sitting in a chair in his room.  "All right Zak we're live" Aaron said.  

Hey  I thought I do a live video to give you updates.  First I just want to tell my fans that I'm doing great since I had a kidney transplant, but going through what I did I thought about something that was hidden from me.  I was on an investigation years ago and we were doing some outside shots when I heard my name called.  I saw one of our producers he told me a lady was here to talk to me about something. I went over to her and what she told me nearly knocked me on the ground.  She told me that one of my exes who I knew has some 'problems'  not with drugs but with her mind has a child and that the child is my daughter.  I thought she was mistaken but she showed me the girl's birth certificate and I was listed as her father.  When I met her she was in shock it seems the girl was told I was dead by her mother.  It took time and some give and take but we became a family.  When she became interested in the paranormal I decided to hide her in plain sight she worked as a camera person on Ghost Adventures than when I opened the haunted museum she worked there but when my health took a scary turn she wanted to help me but I became afraid of stuff that I now realize were stupid she left.  A few days after that happened I was told that a kidney had been found through a private donation.  I found out later it was my daughter who donated her kidney to save her paranoid father from dying.  Today is my first adventure out since my transplant and my friends Aaron, Jay, and Billy took me to Virginia City which I found out my daughter is now living.  When I saw her I felt this happiness I hadn't felt since she left so tonight my daughter and I are going to have a father/daughter investigation (snickering) of Rosie's room.  I'll talk to you guys later 

Wendy smiled as she closed her phone.  When she got to the room Zak was waiting there.  "You ready?".  "Yea I saw your video why didn't you let your fans know my name?" she inquired.  "I decided to let you do that or you can be hiding in plain sight".  She took a selfie with Zak and posted it.  "Going on my first Ghost Adventure lockdown with my dad in room eleven.  Wish us luck" Zak read as Wendy smiled. 

They walked in and Zak saw flowers in a vase.  "I remember your last lockdown here you brought her some flowers so I decided to bring her some" Wendy remarked.  Zak and Wendy sat on the bed.  "Rosie it's Zak I'm back I heard that you missed me to my daughter" Zak said. 

"Rosie why did you slit your wrist.  Did something happen to you?" Wendy asked. Zak turned off his recorder and listened to it.  Zak chuckled as he played it for her.  CHANGED YOU.  When Wendy played hers she teared up.  "What she say?".  "She was raped" wiping the tears away.  Zak gave her a hug as she started to cry.  

"Rosie we're sorry you had to go through that it makes us very sad it seems I was the only one who showed kindness" Zak stated.  After they finished Zak and Wendy went to her room for a drink.  "That was emotional" Wendy remarked.  "Yeah sometimes when we come back here I go to room 11 if it's empty and I leave flowers for her.  Once I felt a kiss on my check before I left once" Zak stated. 

"Dad did you ever do a test on me to prove that mom was right that you are my father" she wondered.  "Never".  "I don't understand why I matched you and nobody in your immediate family did" she inquired.  "I think my father your grandfather wanted us to be together one way or another" as he smiled.

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