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Even thou Zak was cleared he decided to let Wendy do her last investigation.  As Wendy went in with Billy Aaron walked over to Zak.  "So have you decided on whether to pass the torch to Wendy?".  "I keep going back and forth Aaron maybe I'm nervous to come back to Ghost Adventures full time"Zak replied.  "Well you better make up your mind this is Wendy's last episode". 

All of a sudden Zak heard Wendy scream and Zak went running in with Aaron and Jay following.  He found Wendy in a corner shaking and covering her face while Billy was on the floor out cold.   "Wendy what happened?" Zak inquired.   Wendy looked up and her check and neck were scratched so deep blood was dripping out of the wound. 

Zak helped his daughter up as Aaron and Jay got Billy out.  "What happened in there?" Zak asked sitting her down.  "I don't know Billy and I weren't provoking but I felt something touch my face than I heard this crash sound I called out for Billy and I found him on the floor unconscious.  As I went over to see if he was ok I felt something scratch my face and neck than I screamed" Wendy replied.  Zak held his daughter as she cried.  

"It's all right sweetie" Zak said comforting her.  The producer walked over and asked to talk to Zak.  "Aaron can you stay with her". "Sure" as Zak went over to the producer.  He told Zak that they want to take both Wendy and Billy to an urgent care center to make sure they're all right. "All right".  Zak walked over to his daughter who Aaron was comforting.  "Look they're going to take both you and Billy to an urgent care center just to make sure you're both all right". 

"All right dad".  After they left Aaron asked what they should do now.  "I want to know what's going on in this place.  I'm so pissed off that entity attacked my child with out being provoked" Zak remarked. The guys grabbed their gear and went inside.  While they were taking a break Billy came back. 

"Billy where's Wendy?" Zak asked.  "They took her to the hospital they found scratches on her back that were bleeding too and she was having trouble catching her breath" Billy replied. Zak could feel the anger in him boiling but Aaron kept him cool.  "Let's go in and find whatever did this to Wendy".  At the hospital Wendy was asleep as Zak walked in quietly.  He walked over to her and saw the bandages on her check and neck.

Zak felt like crying that he couldn't protect his daughter from this entity that hurt her.  "Dad" she said softly.  Zak sat next to her and held her hand. "I talked to the doctor he said you're going to be all right" as tears fell down his face.  "I've never been that scared before dad I thought I was going to be possessed and I kept saying not to invade my body it doesn't belong to you over and over until I was on the floor shaking" she replied. 

"You're safe now but when you get out we'll do some cleansing to make sure nothing is attached to you".  "Dad come back I can't do this on my own if you leave Ghost Adventures even it is behind the scenes" as tears fell down their faces.  "I think after seeing what you went through tonight I can't let you do this anymore so I want you to run The Haunted Museum for me" Zak remarked with a smile. 

"What about Corey".  "He's moving to another state and he wants you to replace him since you were so good at it when you there,".  Wendy smiled.  "Now you just go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning" Zak replied.  "OK dad".  As Wendy closed her eyes Zak went over to a chair that was in the room and fell asleep in the room.  

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