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A few weeks went by and Wendy was back in Vegas with her father. "OK now we have five RIP tours and I have a photo shot with the guys later" Zak stated. "And are you going to act like you're on America's Next Top Model again" as Zak chuckled. "But you have fans outside waiting to have their picture taking with you".

Zak went outside to have some pictures taking when a guy asked for a shot with her and Zak. "OK". They took the picture and the kid said thanks. "You're welcome". "I saw the episodes you did with Ghost Adventures why did you stop?"he asked. "I didn't stop I just let my father come back to what he loves to do I only did it because of restrictions my father had"she replied.  "We heard about the attack you had". "Yeah an unprovoked attacked by an entity" Wendy remarked.

After the Q&A Zak and Wendy went back to work. At the photo shoot Zak was changing when he looked at the scar where he had the transplant.  He started to remember how this all started and how it was ending for him. His daughter Wendy is now the manager of The Haunted Museum but a stand-by investigator for Ghost Adventures which everyone thought was a way to get vacation time.

When Zak came out Aaron came over and told him a person was here to ask him some questions. He walked over to her. "You must be Zak Bagans I'm Lindsey I wanted to do an interview on you and the transplant you had". "What do you want to know?" he asked. "I know that your body went through hell and you came close to death" she said. "Yea they found a noncancerous tumor on my kidney that was wreaking havoc with my body" Zak stated. "But you had only one kidney is that true?"she asked.

"My mother had it removed when I was born because it didn't develop as it should of leaving me with one kidney" Zak replied. "How scared were you of not finding a match". "Worse than any paranormal experience I've gone through" Zak remarked. "But your daughter matched you". "Yes she did and I'm very grateful for her doing that even thou at first I was nervous about her doing it but I realized I was being stupid and it took her moving away but Aaron found out where she was and surprised me by bringing her back to me".

"Now the rumors that you and her split duties on Ghost Adventures was that true" she asked. "Yeah we did but now that I've been giving the OK from my doctor I've come back full time" Zak replied. "One more question when the time comes for you to retire do you think you'd pass the torch off to your daughter".

"It all depends on what she wants to"Zak stated. "Thanks Zak" and she left. That night as Wendy was locking up Zak snuck in. "Wendy" he called out. "Dad what are you doing here?" giving him a hug. "I wanted to talk to you about something". "What's that dad?" she inquired. "I was thinking of the future and how long I can do Ghost Adventures if I asked you to take over would you".

"If god forbid you went up to meet grandpa yeah I would" smiling. "Why don't you finish locking up and we'll go grab some dinner" Zak remarked. "Come on let's go" and they left.

THE END..............................

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