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At Zak's house he was looking over some footage that Aaron sent him when his chest started to itch a little. "Dam dry skin" he said. He went to the bathroom and was about to put cream on his chest when he saw how red and blotchy it was.

Thinking the worse Zak called his mother and asked her to take him to the hospital as he called his doctor. At The Wolf Creek Inn Wendy was setting up some cameras as Aaron walked over. "You've got the cameras all set up upstairs".

"Yeah"he replied as Billy came in with a worried look on his face. "Billy what's wrong did you see or feel something?" Wendy asked. "No your grandmother call Zak's been admitted to the hospital". "Why did his body reject the kidney?" Aaron asked as Wendy feared the worse.

"Zak was covered in hives they don't know why it happened but they're running tests to see if he's having a reaction to some medication or something else" gulping a little.  "Excuse me I need to make a call" and Wendy went outside.

She dialed her father who picked it up. "Hey baby how's the investigation going?" itching. "We were about to start when Billy told us about you. What's going on is your body rejecting the kidney?" as tears fell down her face.

"I don't know they're running tests to check.  Nurse may I have something for this itch" he asked . "Dad if your body is rejecting my gift to you I don't want you to be angry with me" she said feeling like she's ready to cry.

"Wendy if it does happen I won't be mad I'll be upset that I have to go back to the machine". "All right dad just keep in touch and tell me what happens" she inquired. "I promise Wendy now go find out if that place is haunted" Zak replied. "All right dad I love you" and hung up. GRANPA IF YOU CAN HEAR ME DON'T LET ZAK'S BODY REJECT THE GIFT I GAVE HIM PLEASE as Wendy went inside

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