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I pull into the docking bay on Canto Bight, settling down in the stall that I had been guided into. It was the same reserved stall that Adrienne use to book for me. I guess I'm not surprised that she managed to reserve the same spot after all these years. Adrienne could do anything she wanted and no one would say a damn thing. 

I shake my head and cut the power, hesitantly climbing down the ladder. Mando was already leaning in the doorway of his bedroom, his gaze set on me as I start to walk over. I blush a bit and look towards the already open bay doors. 

"You could come with if you want. I just have to run over to the club and pick up a dress my friend got me for tonight," I say, hoping that he would take my offer so I wouldn't have to face any of this alone. I slowly walk over to the ramp, hoping that he would follow. I stop and look back at him, waiting for an answer. 

"I don't think a Mandalorian in freshly polished armor would be good for our cover," he says, shrugging his shoulders while shaking his head a bit. I nod my head and let out a quiet sigh. 

"Right. I'll be back in an hour or so. Make sure the kid stays out of trouble," I say as I walk down the metal ramp. One of the dock lackeys spots me and his jaw drops. I smile and nod my head, sending him a quick wink as I walk off. 

 As I stroll through the classy city, my posture straightens out as I roll my shoulders back. A confident aura surrounds me as people's eyes start to lock onto me, making almost all of them stop in their tracks. I smile softly and keep walking, my nerves starting to ease back. 

And this is why it's so dangerous for me to come back to Canto Bight. This place was intoxicating and it always made me a different person, and I'm not sure whether it was for better or for worse. Sometimes I feel like it's a little bit of both. 

I finally make it to Adrienne's large club and I rest my hand on the handle, not expecting it to actually open, but it does. That's a little weird, saying that she doesn't usually open this place up until at least six or seven. Maybe she changed her hours and I'm just overthinking my current situation. I step inside and gently shut the door behind me, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself. 

As I look around, I spot a few familiar faces scattered about the club, drinking, talking, smoking, and laughing. But the second I close the door all the way, they all look up at me and Large smiles curl upon their faces. 

"Mae!" they all cheer as if it hadn't been years since I last saw all of them. Most of them thrust their drinks into the air while pure excitement fills their eyes. I smile a little more and wave once at them, not exactly knowing what else to do. 

Their conversations start buzzing a little louder, slowly giving this place a little more life. I walk over to the bar and smile at the bartender, polishing a crystal glass as if we were in some western flick. I've seen enough to know that I'm not the biggest fan of them. 

"Hi, I'm looking for-"


I slowly turn around and spot Adrienne walking out of one of the back rooms, wearing her usual black satin dress that she always loved to wear around me. She smirks as she walks over, her fingers pinching a delicate burning cigarette. A smile slowly creeps onto my face and I lean my back against the bar, my heart starting to race with every step she took towards me. 

"Good to see you, Adrienne," I say, my voice low and timid. The confidence that had filled me before was suddenly swept away as the smirk on her face grew more and more. She stops a few inches in front of me, the toe of her high heels meeting my boots. I look down for a moment, trying to process how close she was. 

"Well, you haven't changed a damn bit," she says, a small laugh escaping her. I join in for a moment and then look away, my now climbing nerves telling me that I wouldn't be able to handle more than a few seconds of her intense stare. 

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